Thursday, March 3, 2011

20 rules negotiation skills

 A timely counterattack counterattack
success depends on whether the time counter when the proposed grasp accurate. Fight back only in the other to is a kind of retreat defense battle. Tom success stories to back is enough to show the so-called multiplying effect is a in the negotiating partner's eyes, whether you are a match words with deeds, the person says it will do.
Second, attack Fort
negotiations, particularly in relation to official negotiations, participants are usually more than one person. In This one to many is just one of them. Here, we tentatively call this man figures, but must not be ignored goals, to anything, the most important thing is to be able to persevere and make persistent efforts to get the ultimate success before.
when you can not convince the ;. It is like the ancient times to conquer new territories in general, as long as the first win outside the fortress, can drive straight out.
capture of the city, and first won a protective effect on the city fortress, this way, If unhindered to the. Similarly, in the not convince, we should change course, seeking to ; tactics, the key is that ; the other group members However, the process described in the repeated, we should pay special attention to the variability which, in order to avoid receiving the opposite effect. It should also be noted that, even if you have seriously convinced of the guarantee fort fourteen, eleven of which, more non-hand Buke. At first, Hughes personally negotiate with the aircraft manufacturers, but are unable to agree about how, and finally the richest do a rage, Fuxiu and go. However, Hughes still did not give up, we find an agent, to help him come forward to continue the negotiations. Hughes told the agent, as long as he can buy that favorite eleven, he would be satisfied. and negotiations results, that the attorney actually put all the aircraft are only, thirty-four. Hughes admire agent skill, and asked him how you do it. The representative replied: impasse, I asked you in the end they mm hope to talk to me? Or I wish to please come forward to talk about Hughes? by me so I asked, the other one good thing that mm forget Well, as you mean everything do it! if present together, if one of them left a bad impression, then the other will inevitably affect the perception of another person, which is the second round of negotiations, it is very unfavorable.
negotiator appeared to sing the first is the negotiators to sing the until the negotiations achieve their goals so far.
first negotiator to the other side only needs to have a each other to obtain agreement from the negotiations depravity occasions. when the other person intends to seek a negotiated solution to the problem by the time it is not the first negotiators because of the poor impression, and suspension of the negotiations. So, in negotiations, you the other party must first try to control the attitude of the negotiations hold, if it is already mentioned, the negotiations on their own sites more favorable, however, the use of a battle in what way the negotiators to each other over-emotional reaction. Therefore, when the second negotiators appeared, their attitude will not have too bad a natural.
the contrary, if the negotiations are conducted in their own sites, while the other was again the first angered negotiators battle, then it is likely to refuse to come again, or simply change venue for negotiations proposed requirements. Once the venue for negotiations to change, and may therefore easily get rid of the negotiations on the return brought by unhappy, pick ourselves up again to high morale once again to face your challenges. If so, then the bad cop to continue its
To hh when the asked:

ease tensions in the negotiations, when the problem itself is quite complex, painfully Kai mouth, and yet not ask not, they usually will have to use the dynamic techniques, can prevent the other angry, so that the role of the negotiations to proceed smoothly.
in the negotiating process, we will inevitably become emotional sometimes, and sometimes have to ask some of the issues involved in personal attacks, sometimes unavoidable to be with the negotiations who was your rivals meet again fall by the wayside. In this case, you should do with it? shows an example here. Suppose you are negotiating partner, long ago, before you talked to a issues relating to land sale was made by the other party that he price is very reasonable, but not afterwards they Yuxiang Yu, Yuxiang Yu find the prices too low, he was eating a burned. In this case, when the negotiating partners face to face with you again to discuss another issue related to land transactions, the heart must be uneven, and the gas is not. So, whether you out no matter how reasonable the price, the other party will not easily agreed. He is not the reason why willing to agree that the problem is not the price is reasonable, but he has made up his mind to a higher price to sell the land to the loss of high added something times.
examples like this occur frequently. So When you see your opponents feel the negotiations are not normal times, would have to carefully handle, be careful to cope. The best way to turn hostility into friendship is sincere beginning, frankly explained to the other party to eliminate its accumulated in the dissatisfaction and resentment, so that everything can start again.
Maybe you could say: each other understand the hearts of Resentment is no longer the negotiations can be successfully carried out. This is called the easing speaking skills.
words interrupted
change the bargaining power of the situation.
Ruonan has been a contractor has been determined by the court's proceedings. But negotiators for the validity of the court ruling still be controversy, and after several discussions, still no concrete results . However, the Ruonan see each other's confidence has been shaken some subtle signs.
a valid court or not, have a significant impact on the outcome of negotiations. Thus, while the other is no longer talk about this topic that go on necessary if men are still repeated use of discussed, and then re-submit it, indeed some unpleasant. However hh shaken, and in turn to accept the idea of a Ruonan.
eight, the contents of the negotiations to break the deadlock
often very far-reaching, not just a simple one or two of them. In some large-scale negotiations, the subject record have as many as seventy. When negotiations contains a number of topics, there may be some of the projects have been about the result, some projects it has failed to reach an agreement. this time, you could say see, many problems have been solved, and now got left out. If you do not be resolved, then do not pity you? commonplace, but in fact able to play to great effect, it is worth as a negotiating tool, widely used.
negotiations involving a number of topics, but pay special attention to the importance and priority issues. For example, in a includes six issues of negotiations, there are four important issues, and the other two were not very important. The four major topics have been assumed to obtain agreement of three, leaving only an important issue and two small problems, then , in order to make these issues in one fell swoop has been resolved, so you can tell each other: Let us continue to work well the only problem and discussing it! if you just so give up, we all regret it! hear you say this, the other will probably nodded and agreed to continue negotiations.
when important issues are the fourth were resolved, you may wish to repeat the above argument, the negotiations to a successful conclusion.
open negotiations impasse, in addition to the above, ; have solved so many problems, let us keep it up! the matter of the agreement have been agreed as a springboard to reach the final objective.
nine, diversion
this strategy is to focus the attention of the other side not very interested in our issues, so that the other increases to meet sense.
the use of specific methods, if we think the other focus is on price, but our concern is the delivery time, then the direction of our attack, the conditions can be a pay issue, so that you can support each other from distract the two main issues.
This strategy can be exercised if the skilled, the other is very difficult to counterattack. It can be a positive factor of the negotiations, without incurring any risk.
X. withdraw its role
When the negotiators found that he was forced to make concessions far he can accept, he will declare such an agreement has not been granted the power.
This is usually the negotiators showed the resistance to the last moments of a . because, as the negotiations proceed smoothly, it requires both parties to the appropriate speed toward the desired direction, requires mutual exchange, a common met together to make concessions. If one does not have enough power, then there will be new problems, if one that may be faced, that is, no matter what the other negotiators reached a kind of understanding that his boss will not be accepted. As a result, one would have to make further concessions.
party put forward the br> If one side is really leaving their own damaged.
party who fear they resorted to this trick, it is best to find out when the talks started. in the negotiation of goals, plans and progress has been clear, bright stage of cards about to be completed before the negotiators After the individual has taken control, be the first to raise a question: exert various effects, for within the power of his deal. the party should take advantage of the limited power of phones, fax machines and other facilities to get in touch with the boss to solve because of First, the murderer
in a two-person negotiating team, one of the members of the early stages of the negotiations leading role, and the other played the leading role in the end stage.
benefits of doing so is to start negotiations , a member of the Panel (hardcore) remained silent, looking for solutions to problems, and suggestions to make concessions. This of course must not damage the first owner of the place, is to make the negotiations more complicated. because the act by the above practice, the two negotiators should cooperate closely, this is a very laborious thing.
this strategy is very difficult to deal with. corresponding countermeasures are: First, the other should give the speed slow down, do not soon hardline attitude in front of concessions. However, when the moderate attitude of people when playing a leading part, to make excessive concessions to each other is very difficult.
second, play pig eat tiger
to the one hundred thousand yuan.
this use of Part of the problem in a series of questions.
countermeasures for this strategy is that for the other side of the question In the early stages of negotiations, the other party the right to force us to answer the situation to their benefit.
if the other side too often ask For all the details required to be clear that we can begin to fight back.
XIII, delaying
negotiations after a period of time, to rest five to ten minutes. at rest during the talks both sides out of the hall, review about the progress of negotiations to re-consider their own, or have a clear head about re-entering negotiations, which are necessary.
general, the rest of the proposal, it will get a positive response to the other side. rest not only conducive to their side on both sides, is also very useful for working together.
rest is of positive significance. It allows the two sides have the opportunity to re-plan and even with new ideas and programs that can enable the two sides together again in the new one atmosphere, so that energy and attention together again.
Some people worry that there will be negative effects rest, fearing the negotiations would undermine the momentum of just, good and effective atmosphere of the talks will be disturbed, or give each other the opportunity to change course. In fact, this fear is unnecessary.
Second, procedures should be arranged to rest.
(1) on the one hand that the need for rest. For example: hh solution hh. rest later. in time of need a break, do not let the other side the opportunity to generate discussion of new issues.
during the break, we need to consider should be clear. should study how to proceed to the next stage of negotiations, induction about the issue under discussion, check Wofang the work of the Panel following the negotiations or to put forward some new ideas. also to consider how to re-open talks, to discuss top-down programs and consider how to make opening statements. is best able to bring new The proposal to re-enter the negotiations room. the rest is a great potential impact of a strategy, appropriate use of this technique can help us achieve the common purpose of profit.
fourth, Borrow Arrows with Thatched
to you will be cheaper? species in a positive way, it will help the two sides for the common good way to choose the best deal.
However, if the negotiations have been very deeply, and then use this strategy can only be divisive. If the parties have done for the offer many preparations, and even has a bargain, but at this time, the other suddenly said: Therefore, together they must be separated in isolation, to determine what they are.
Let us assume that you are housing issues in the negotiations. you want to buy a house is not in the best position, housing prices already reflect this point, but can you believe it has been made on more favorable deal. You know there are other people who are interested in this house, but you feel that your position is unique. you want to buy this house and not do residential, but an investment in mm this investment Your accountant is strongly recommended to you, because you need to cut taxes. Yes, buyers do residential buyers, like you, on the selling price is also interested, but they will be more interested in other considerations such as floor mm beautiful, the walls, paint colors and other items.
and you know the house is collateral for the financing mm given not only to pay interest each year, and returned to the principal stages until the collateral due. the vast majority of collateral like residential buyers who have no use. On the other hand, this collateral would be useful to you. In conjunction with the sale of the house to and to you, it will were more beneficial. conduct transactions based on this point much faster speed.
you to bring you these powerful argument in negotiations, the house owner wants to retire, so I hope as soon as possible deal. However, surface , like the vast majority of homeowners, he is very emotional for his own house, that their value more than that. you about the price a few thousand dollars less. you tell him you want to meet his asking price, but you calculate restore the house in good condition of the refurbishment required fee, therefore you drive the price less than his asking price a few thousand dollars. you have done is a fair thing. adopted a compromise. Then you end the discussion quickly , told him he naturally take some time to consider your proposal, instilling the idea of renovation costs to the homeowner's mind, you let him worry for other buyers whether a better price. the owner of his house now have not identified the true value. The results may be that you received a phone call, that you are the owner accepts the price.
task itself is a fair negotiation skills
judo strategy is one, is the use of leverage. It is the use of the power of your enemy has a profit, in short, it means that the face of strong opponents to get their own thought, do not butt heads with him. like a seasoned matador, struggle to lure you in the direction of rushing. But the moment the two sides is about to hit, cleverly stepped aside, the use of your opponent (cattle) of the acceleration.
If you and growl, verbal abuse, with aggressive opponents negotiations, the simplest method is to use judo strategy. These people, for whatever reason, people always want to face off with, but their conversation is full of aggressive, too stick to their views, arouses displeasure. as if he controls the conversation is a thing of the no.
to deal with this is most unwise to attack him with the same strategy. this approach results in unpleasant emotions, increased backlog, or worse. deal with this situation is to use the best way to treat his opponent's strength. Do not angry, just calmly tell him A male and female. I think I have some important things to do. I know you do not like to waste time in the world. Why do not we reach an agreement, then, if you wish, and then determine the winner no later than. As you bite the bullet, you will make you hate, aggressive removal of hostile opponent, if he intentionally negotiations, you can calmly talk business. Do not forget, many people believe that key to success is to take tough stance fear of the enemy. In fact aggressive behavior may only be fake. But anyway, your approach is to stand their ground, the performance from me. Remember, no transaction is worth losing your self-dignity. < br> instance
leverage the use of leverage to do business: a young management consultant, wants to deal with new environmental laws and government agencies deal matters, but has been very difficult. This young man gives a very good impression, people are alert, sophisticated, but he was rejected every time. The way to oppose removal.
You can not hire a consultant can be made in this plan, like me, good service, I say this for a reason. This is a new field, my degree is the one of some fifty-six degrees. If you look at the state Board wrote me letters about his thesis, you will understand that although I was young and I did write a book about this area of professional book. can be broken. and he has enough wisdom to know how to use their strengths for their own profit.
use of leverage to overcome the animosity: Ted salesman. Elfman to do a large pharmaceutical annual visit Last year, he sold the computer billing system to the company, to modernize the year he went to discuss the issue, and when he walked into this company was facing a hostile manager. Ted did not adopt a hostile confrontation the way he patiently ask the manager to vent about that. then said he was surprised by the treatment, he opens his folder to show the computer the customer order information,
event, in the end I do not know how it is, Could you tell me? so. these expensive new machine is actually older than the original but also the lack of manual handling efficiency, but also less durable than the old machines, old machines do not need to Seller at least frequent visits. Ted felt after listening difficulties, asked the manager to allow him to look at the case of computer they use.
he does not observe a long time, had realized the crux of the problem. The whole goal of these machines is the customer data must be input tape storage, and accounting data from the keyboard keystrokes. But the workers by the keyboard to enter all the information. a result, they used the computer as a typewriter. the problem is, the operation of the company training staff to quit, and another job. then the location of the operator they are trained enough, They then trained by the operators of technology is worse. Ted played to its head office a call, explain the problems surrounding the Mongolian company permission, pharmaceutical stay for three days, a thorough training in the laboratories of the computer personnel.
excellent results, Ted This has not only allows the purchase of the other two laboratories keyboard, and a language processing system, has won the favor.
So, Ted technical knowledge of his own constitute self-confidence to negotiate the power of finally turning hostility into friendship.
use of leverage to overcome the emotions: Barber. Blanc recent divorce made him feel uncomfortable; for the behavior of his wife he deeply felt the pain, therefore the judge of the alimony and child living Baibandiaonan. The judge is a seasoned veteran, he asked Barber: ; Barbour said he was concerned about the course. you something. a nurse, cook and housekeeper. Now suppose you have just done a bit of these total costs. Please know you pay people to do things, does not mean things will be well. If your wife can undertake these tasks, you do not have to worry about. the court, not only do not feel defeated, but feel that they completed a shrewd deal.
judge in this case the common use of leverage, access to facts and figures, the judge makes the Barber away personal feelings views of the judges to see things.
rational use of leverage to overcome: business people often think, most people are unreasonable. Usually, it is. But the world is a completely unreasonable people, in fact, some people irrationality can use their success for their own profit. seventies, young professional couples like to purchase the old inner city in the United States a large house. advantage of the vast living space, suburban, low taxes, and close to city life and abundant resources.
in New York called repair and other carpentry work areas.
beneficiaries of this trend is a Canadian who sells tooth, called George, furniture, cabinets, carpentry. not in the same period of the U.S. woodworking, hardwood carpentry he was born, and its manufacturing Hard not very skilful furniture. and he swept a lot of business people, but in his condition out of the fixed price under the transaction.
George be able to read after work to be done correctly calculate the required cost, time and materials. He went on to insist on payment first. Many new owners are young lawyers, and their arrogance does not allow such a business arrangement. they pay Material presented the first paragraph, the remaining money, they want to complete only after they paid in full satisfaction. This arrangement makes George very angry. ;
George and then put it bluntly, he had hundreds of satisfied customers strongly recommended. This is all pre-paid customers money. So if you want to work for you, George, is the condition of payment in advance. It is hard to believe that these cost-conscious lawyers to stand up to all agree that even this very unreasonable request. George reliable and superior technology. to deal with his irrational, in the end better than hiring his excellent woodworking technology better than to be reasonable much more.
, of course, George did not know he was under negotiation, he thought he was just doing the right thing it is fair. carpentry career began in his time, there was a customer refuses to pay him, since George determined that he did not allow such a thing happening again. because he was in a particular period, with very special skills, it can use leverage to overcome the obstacles.

clever use of leverage effect using DU rod itself advantage is a strong negotiating skills, like any powerful tool, must be used carefully. If you use leverage to obtain a favorable position for themselves, do not abuse your advantage. Instead, you must be comfortable atmosphere to reach goals, With a friendly agreement, will benefit the opponent and your attitude to the negotiations.
example, you negotiate the price of a property, you need to know the owner, must sell it. recent statement on a new estate tax provisions. so many people have private property to be sold to pay off taxes ....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Comment back on Wednesday morning sensitive range, the face of pressure

 Back-sensitive range, the face of pressure
statement: This article rests with the br> News, Reserve Bank of Australia 3, announced that it will further raise the benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.5%, and said it would gradually withdraw stimulus. this is the second time within a month the central bank raise interest rates. in the name of the Zhou Yu Finance article on Saturday, case, the first point is that both interest rates and interest rates have never been to the factors that affect the stock market trends, usually just a fluctuation in the day, then the trend will soon go back to the original; Second, the dollar continued to weaken, pressure of RMB appreciation has been very heavy, and now exports has not been restored, domestic demand is still insufficient investment-led economic recovery alone, so if interest rates is bound to affect the enthusiasm of the investment, then our country has just restored the popularity of the economic and capital market should affected to some degree.
No. 5 this week, will also have the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Federal Bank of England Bank of Japan interest rate increase and so will be matters for the analysis, the present, the central bank to maintain the original rate is very high. The same is true of our country, our country is not as resource-based countries such as Australia, will be conducted by the rapid depreciation of the dollar rally in commodity prices caused the inflation pressure from the CPI and PPI of the current data, not to positive , and the decline year on year PPI still larger, so that, at least until the first quarter of 2010 will have inflation expectations appear, then will likely raise interest rates. In addition, China Merchants Securities will be issued not more than 360 million shares of A shares This is the second CITIC Securities, Everbright Securities, the country's third IPO listed securities company. it is from September 8, 2008 be approved issuance examination committee, and so far passed last year will be the only one yet to be issued companies on the Shanghai stock market. and ten billion dollars a finance stocks IPO, the stock is a short-term impact, but for investment securities held by listed companies and the financial sector there are certain impetus.
experience index Changyang No. 2, after the market re-Powei range of 2950 ~ 2995 the danger point was removed, while nearly 150 points Changyang, is already the case does not appear for months, it suddenly aroused the enthusiasm of the market, but calm down, we have to look at, j the trend of the past 2 days, although the index is Yang Xian, but the content is different, Changyang day is to benefit both flu and financial stocks led the plate, and capital flows are also entered these plates, and 3, when the hot switch into fiber, low-carbon and other stocks, so we see, the trend is not on the trend of the day Changyang firm, since all the way from the early line, form a clear increase in slope, and No. 3 is more than a lot of oscillation. Tamana has given us before the analysis, the trend the past few months are a good start, but then the trend is very different, something to the way lines are then dropped all the way because is the hot switching and volume, the present situation, in the amount of stock to maintain good, but the hot switch too fast, and similar low-carbon fiber and difficult to keep such stocks index has given support, it is difficult to lead the popular, ascribed most prone to drop the dollar. Index top of the face is the resistance point of 3100 ~ 3135 range, there are 8.14 at September Zhang Yin and the subsequent formation of a stuck high above the chips, before the stock at 10.21 ~ 10.26 days to be over sideways more than ten hours, and then a lower opening 27 directly below the sharp downward adjustment of more than 200 points, the current line of the index K in the hour of 6 Changyang experienced a rebound, but also to re-enter this sensitive range. the trend has because the hot plate switch, so I think there will be an index in the small of the order, on the one hand is to fix the short-term overbought technical indicators, back up power savings; second plate waiting for financial stocks once again start to form upward movement . operation, the amendment should be re-thinking investors experienced a broad based, the stock has formed a division, we saw more than 1,000 stocks were suppressed in 1 to 2% of the interval and did not drop out of the shadows last week , while only hundreds of stocks rose more than 5%, recovered lost ground and hit a new high. So in November of the strategy is to give you in front of me, and in October said the financial, base closure is still hot, However, the choice is oversold sector poised sideways, not bounce, so need to abandon, in November to the strength of the main short-term operation of individual stocks. want to know comment late stocks, stock market stocks search for your daily Comment reference stock confidential internal reference (morning, closing the evening three updates), click on your operating stock research tools.
> for reference: For your point of view can also be continuous. followed by the article is my thoughts and views, it is inevitable that some unsuitable to your taste, the investment is personal thing, a matter of opinion, blog is my own record record bit, and and to share, explore , and hope that everyone from the article what they want it. No matter how the article view, Bo your music is good for a laugh. Tamana one of the words, for your entertainment ^ _ ^ Thank you, welcome to actively explore and, if things can also send e-mail of and have time to to this blog page to see other articles, once again wish you all luck investment, thanks to the