Monday, February 28, 2011

Your external technical characteristics of digital satellite TV to know you

 According to the Shanghai satellite TV network reported: 16th Asian Games in 2010 will be opened in Guangzhou. Asian Games Organizing Committee has announced a group associated with the Guangzhou Asian Games, Asian Games data. Satellite TV installation network survey, the Chinese delegation expected to get the Asian Games gold medals in 1000 and topped the medals table top equaling the number of consecutive records. satellite TV on the Asian long-awaited!
external digital satellite television receivers. External Digital Satellite The technical characteristics of television receivers, the body independent of the color television sets, able to live video, audio or radio frequency cable and color TV connected through the TV screen color TV show and play audio; a variety of models can provide multi-system TV add channel receiver, full-function remote control, Qiu harsh RF and PF space with AV / S output terminal; its early product screen display resolution, scanning frequency, frame rate can not be adjusted based than the recent addition to these deficiencies were products has been improved, and to live upright, in addition, also has a low price, easy to install and so on.
external digital satellite TV receiver also includes engineering machines and home machines jyw23us two categories. engineering machines for special for cable TV network named after the front room. Its Dimensions cable rack design standard, with transmission stream high bit error rate, easy to use and high reliability, high-definition and other characteristics; home care unit junior justice is the video output terminal, direct access to TV watching.
Shanghai Satellite TV Installation Survey: China has held since 1982, top the medals table, if the Asian Games in 2010, the eighth consecutive top, then topped the medals table , will be the most successful members of National Olympic Committees. the installation of satellite TV users in China for our athletes are confident that the satellite TV users, such as the re-ascent of China will climb to the top of the medal level in Japan records.
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Sunday, February 27, 2011

----- Chinese people admire the most richest man Li Ka-shing

 2006 Forbes the most well-known Chinese, whether or Jin Lee, Morrison in front of him are a little flair mm, of course, popularity can not be quantified and quantifiable wealth: he controlled the economy of Hong Kong; who runs the world's largest port; he monopoly on the transmission line for the mainland of China; he enjoys from top real estate developers and retailers in the world; he has the largest mobile phone operator in the title. only he can in his field frequently perceived by the world, and then affect the future of this industry worldwide hh he is Li Ka-shing.
2006   3 25, the fiscal year ending in a moment, Li Ka-shing's company released annual results last year. During the period, net profit of 13.995 billion of Cheung Kong Hong Kong dollars, up 31% over the previous year; and Hutchison Whampoa net profit amounted to 14.343 billion Hong Kong dollars, than the previous year 11%.
who said the money more Nanzhuan 21, Li Ka-shing is creating a myth, it is interesting that the Chinese Li Ka-shing's attitude towards it seems is moving towards two extremes. as an organization in 2002 to investigate the influence of a entrepreneurs were people from the Mainland and industry insiders who think the best selection of Chinese entrepreneurs. It was found that the Mainland People standings, Li Ka-shing no suspense in the with a fervent desire to Baiweierqi as a teacher, but can doubt the market leader.
our Buffett, Welch, Bill Gates, Dell have worshiped at the same time, is not suddenly ignore their side of the well-known example of 50 mm of the last century's, when Li Ka-shing became king of plastic flowers, when the world, who knows more than the four is the story behind the name?
the biggest misunderstanding is that popular culture: a world-class entrepreneur, was just as successful in many industrial fields to forge ahead, in the modern multinational management and superior professional performance, is a Buffett-like many places, as long as you have this hope. In this special report, the . Hong Kong as a full open world free trade port, the market quickly emerged plastic products imported from Europe and America. plastic products easy to shape, light weight, rich colors, beautiful application, to replace a large number of wooden or metal products. Plastic are easy to aging, including toxic and other shortcomings, but these shortcomings, the atmosphere was one of the annihilation of the sake of fashion. Today, plastic is still popular.
1950 summer, the Yangtze River was founded in Shau Kei Wan Li Ka Shing Plastic Factory. He took the ; the Yangtze River, The most interesting topic, the face of Li Ka-shing's success, many people will have such a wonder: the sale by the plastic flowers, can be a billionaire to do? Yes, plastic flowers alone, the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has been among the ranks of .
Zhouzhao clear: We analyzed the Li Ka-shing, can not ignore is his mind and assess the situation, which is the good Chinese tradition, a rainy day. Li Ka-shing, plastics and toy factory has more than three hundred, the Yangtze River plant is only one operating in good condition, but a lack of features. Yangtze River plant exports plastic toys, with not much difference between the industry, but there are subtle changes in style only. At this point, Li Ka-shing mm1957 envisaged future problems began, the World War has ended more than a decade, the Western countries into the economic fast track, the pursuit of quality of life increasing, Li Ka-shing's rapid transformation mm main factories manufacturing plastic flowers.
plastic flowers actually flowers and a replica of the last century, is a pursuit of the 50s era of coexistence with the embarrassing mm expansion of the limited standard of living and thinking, the pursuit of plastic flowers like a perfect alternative to the transition era, and quickly occupied the Hong Kong and even the global market.
Zhou Zhao Qing: Li Ka-shing to do 50 years, now has a very good successor mm as Zhejiang businessmen, such as known as the sale, export trade, the other can not be ignored in common is plastic flowers and are very low tech lighter.
1957 began several years, Li Ka-shing through the wholesale trade has become the world's largest exporter of plastic flowers, manufacturing business, the key point is: He has not only to Hong Kong, or to neighbors and the production of his products are exported to Europe and America. Duanmu: the late 50's post-war history of Hong Kong, the first golden period, re-export boom and stick Hong Kong identity card manufacturers there market thriving scene. In fact, many manufacturers of plastic flowers, the Yangtze River is just one very common one, in the but not really into the on the vitality of the product will never last long, he was looking forward to a change in life.
the beginning of transition: background
60's Li Ka-shing: Hong Kong is very special, the terrain is not only narrow, but mountainous. limited land, unlimited demand, coupled with the Government to take the high land price policy, cost of land, building your house on Ngong .1951, eloquent people than
200 million in the late 20th century, 50, the number approaching 300 million. population increase, not only increase in domestic demand, due to collection of the local economy, sustainable development, need a lot of office buildings, commercial premises, industrial plants.'s long-term downtown housing shortage, the increase in the amount of housing always keep up with demand.
production of plastic flowers, Li Ka-shing is a means of making money, is his inheritance of the primitive accumulation. His ultimate aim is to demonstrate the value of life of a person to see how much energy! run far!
to Hong Kong for example, in the Today, tens of billions worth of the super-wealthy, 90% of the real estate business or engage in real estate merchants. to the last century is not the case in Hong Kong 60 years, Monopoly dispersed in the financial, shipping, real estate, trade, retail, energy, industry, etc. many other industries, real estate developers in the wealthy family, is not prominent. It also means that not everyone favored the real estate industry.
1958, the Li Ka-shing mm in busy industrial area to buy land to build a North Point Industrial Building, 12 floors .1960 year, he was in the new industrial area northeast of the Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island mm built industrial buildings, the area of two buildings, totaling 120,000 square feet.
Zhouzhao clear: to show at this time successful businessman Li Ka-shing sound side, money tighter, Li Ka-shing would rather reduce the construction or not built, nor sell or speed up the building progress 期房; he tried not to bank mortgage loans, or in conjunction with banks to provide mortgages. it now appears almost certain conservative, because his profit focus on rental properties.
readers will see here, the same conservative marvel at Li Ka-shing: 期房 purchase, bank mortgage real estate sector is almost the only way, in the eyes of Li Ka-shing has become a crisis, foreshadowing, of course, This position requires the backing of huge financial backing, income, property value, the time the more backward, the better will emerge.
60 buildings built in the early years there are still many, even in the golden zone in Central time to time so you can see the old old building, forty years property continue to add value, rental income will increase steadily, these building owners to be the most secure group of people.
60s in the last century the first five years, Li Ka-shing two-pronged, plastic flower business is growing bigger, robust appreciation of the real estate investment , gradually forming a larger ideal.
1965, the 35-year-old Buffett began prominently in his investment, million dollars; 1965, 30-year-old Jack. Welch turned out to be Li Ka-shing's company, a General Electric (GE) Plastics Division, General Staff; 1965, 10-year-old Bill. Bill Gates is attending the three public elementary schools in Seattle grade; 1965, Mike. Dell was born; 1965, 37-year-old Li Ka-shing net worth billions of dollars, world-renowned, Gates family placed plastic flowers on the table is perhaps from the Li Ka Shing factory hh
July the same year, Nixon sent Dr. Henry Kissinger visited China, and Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong met with Hong Kong's re-mm position will be further strengthened. Hong Kong's business community restored the confidence of Hong Kong's future, businesses flourish, the surge in demand for housing.
in stock surging speculation, the Li Ka-shing always keep a cool head. Maikongmaikong is taboo to do business, like real estate speculation in the stock market speculation, Duanmu: 1966 and the turmoil of life in Hong Kong in 1967, which the world situation and the background on the mainland of China, closures, runs the local tide swept a time, it is like Ebb Tide, a number of qualified small business is out of mediocrity out in At this point a major push into the real estate industry and the overall situation needs courage. Li Ka-shing firmly in the face of long-term investors in the real estate sector; the same time, he is conservative in the long-term investors. He, as always, new and old industries in the New Territories of Hong Kong Island shopped land area, construction plant. He reliance on bank loans as little as possible, and some industrial buildings entirely on self-construction of its own funds. companies operating under the Ministry of plastic in good condition, a substantial profit.
taken from the : sell the property, with a number of sites, worried about the property's Li Ka-shing. He kept listening to the radio, reading newspapers, watching developments closely. After careful consideration of the Li Ka-shing, decided to take an amazing feat: abandoned as I prefer, bargain hunting.
is very chaotic governance and promise better. Although large-scale emigration rates gradually, while the owners of resettlement, is still eager to get rid of not housing, shops, hotels, factories sell cheap price. Li Ka-shing think this is the best time to expand, he accumulated plastic down earnings and property income. He bought the old building will be renovated rental and use of the property slump, low construction costs the opportunity to build properties on the site.
Zhouzhao clear: With the political situation in the loose, Li Ka-shing has entered the fast lane, about 1971 years ago, he had to focus completely shifted to the cause of the real estate industry. At this point, recovery of Hong Kong businesses , real estate market to flourish. Some people say that Li Ka-shing is the Hawker casino, gamble, luck to win. Only Li Ka-shing himself aware of his amazing feat if they contain gambling. He was the real estate disaster in the big winner, but not speculative home.
Duanmu: Hong Kong people are aware of a small, Li Ka-shing in the main switch to real estate, he did not close the production plant plastic flowers once, although the 70s of last century has been the decline of exports of plastic flowers, and even started lose money, but his long-term will save the factory, the one business that is the root of Li Ka-shing; second to his business colleagues who have had an account through thick and thin.
Li Ka-shing has never been a lack of sense of responsibility. achievements Superman: We on this Superman in the end know about?
Background: In 1971, the establishment of the Yangtze River Real Estate Co., Ltd. .1972 Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong stock market boom faction, Li Ka-shing look for the opportunity to change the Yangtze River Real Estate, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, bull riding public, become the , the true subject of the publication filled with Li Ka-shing, look at the title, for example: Art of War and the layout of the Li Ka Shing Shopping Centre, all over the world to win the ultimate business channel, the secret of making big money wealth champion, the layers of self-made breakthrough to China hh 11 students are the only common advice is to create the , the stock market from the real estate tycoon Superman, the world pioneer in the new economy Pier hh dominant showing in his fantasy world of popular culture, and cultivate tens of thousands of loyal entertainment sell; equity investments, Li Ka-shing makes sense if, like Buffett, the trust; in 3G a long winter, he got a lot of consistent support for small and medium investors, for the others to do the 3G might well have folded.
When you Li Ka-shing's life will be read as a fairy tale, you have not thought to ask: Why?
Zhouzhao clear: In my study, major turning point in his life achievements of Li Ka-shing is definitely not enter the field of plastic flowers from the real estate industry, but the acquisition of the early 80s and Hutchison Whampoa. from the strategic level to consider, and if all the real estate investment business, the Group's earnings will simply be real estate related factors, such as government planning and land policy. such an investment, of course, when the economy profitable, but once no longer, the Group will bear a heavy blow, and even the financial crisis will be.
Hutchison Whampoa and the property is not detached main projects: container terminal, transportation, retail, manufacturing hh most important point: Li Ka-shing is no longer the king of plastic flowers, or real estate business, he has tentacles into all areas of the market.
from the last century since the late 80s, the long and the Department (with Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa) began into overseas markets, overseas business, including energy, real estate, telecommunications, retail and container terminals, the investment area based in Hong Kong extended to mainland China, North America, Europe and other Asia-Pacific region. Zhouzhao clear: long and the Department actively path of internationalization , in addition to expanding the scale of response to the needs of the business, but more importantly through the globalization of business to diversify their investment risk. different markets affected by the economic cycle will be different, different degrees of competition in the industry, the market will have the first stages of development there, the long and the Department on the use of such regional differences to increase its investment flexibility and reduce the risk, return always to ensure a satisfactory overall.
in Hong Kong, as a real estate tycoons, Li Ka-shing has become a City of Heroes He even is the city's glory and dream. Correspondingly, although the birth of the Mainland in recent years, many real estate rich, but of pure business skills point of view, very few recognized, it also goes without saying real estate profits something very simple, but difficult to learn.
3G gamble: challenges of new economic background: Hutchison has been in the UK, Italy, Hong Kong, Australia, Austria, Denmark and Sweden launched a 3G business, 2G global total of more than 10 million customers and more than 1.038 million 3G customers, of which about 361,000 UK and Italy about 455,000, about 36,500 Hong Kong. the current daily volume of 3G subscribers increased more than ten thousand mm all firmly established and the yellow world leading position in 3G.
from plastic flowers to the property, and then re-acquisition of the last century 80's Hutchison Whampoa, towards internationalization. at the port, telecommunications, retail, real estate, infrastructure and energy industries to become world-class industry leader. the last century, 90 years, Li Ka-shing moved to the new economy. in 3G, Internet, media, pharmaceutical and other high-tech industry to seize the high ground territory.
these themes as the story to read, people are familiar. However, if you do business management the seminars, we almost did not mentally prepared. For example, Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong's largest real estate real estate group to do business but also expand to the Mainland and overseas, then the strategy and operation of any unique, why not see in-depth Analysis of the article or even post way to go?
Zhou Zhao Qing: Watson has been one of the world's largest retailer, its expansion in recent years that deeply shocked the Europeans, is also very fast development in the Mainland, but now do not expect to read a Watson's book about books, with a systematic analysis of the papers are hard to find.
a lot of people think, 3G will be a need to overcome the Li Ka Shing last stronghold, after all, he has been nearly eighty years, One can not avoid the topic, opponents are looking at him, 3G is said to be a long winter, Lee I, Superman fame will be destroyed in the 3G is on?
Duanmu: the era of the use of pagers, Hutchison Whampoa Business has been carried out in Hong Kong, a bang, the four major mobile operators in Hong Kong, the supreme status of Hutchison Whampoa and can not be shaken, but the 3G service is not very well carried out. Richard Li, the Internet bubble era in misappropriating public discontent caused by the action , which offset some of the goodwill of people of Hong Kong Li Ka-shing.
huge upfront investment as the telecommunications industry characteristics, competition in the telecommunications market in the future, whether there is enough patience not the pursuit of immediate profit, carefully cultivate the market, will be One key to success.
Zhou Zhao Qing: Li Ka Shing is very patient, he acquired Watson's two decades, the first decade of sales performance has been unsatisfactory, he was quietly waiting for the retail industry in the spring, waiting for the mainland retail opening of the market, and there are two decisive factors mm .3 G foresight and financial support may be to wait, but to be honest, I do not optimistic about this project, if it fails, it will be one of the biggest flaw of the Li Ka Shing life mm but he afford to lose.
Li Ka-shing is known as moral principles do support, observers see is a storm, perhaps he is strolling.
50s from the 20th century plastics plant (Plastics workshop is more appropriate) of small business owners, to the early 21st century world business giant, Change is really only one in the . However, it is confused: not a professional research. He also said that in their countries, the research on Li-depth than a lot of Chinese are doing.
Masterpieces Li Ka-shing is a legend, he started from scratch to become the richest man of Chinese, to the left a deep impression on people. But I think the meaning foreign friends, as a world-class entrepreneurs, Li Ka-shing has not been the interpretation of professional positions.
Zhou Zhao Qing: the Hong Kong entertainment ; they get even higher than the big names of the an expert on both the professional judgments, for they probably also need to recognize the achievements of several generations.
Duanmu: I am a Hong Kong people, we can not imagine life without Li Ka-shing, said some exaggeration, the 600 million Hong Kong people every time In every moment of his accumulated wealth, transportation, telecommunications, lighting, retail hh After much deliberation, to remove Yang nasal breathing, he has almost binding on all aspects of our lives in front of Bill mm in the Li Ka-shing. Gates seemed to be somewhat speculative. Li Ka-shing a few decades to make a great report card, if this is a ;, because of its
remove quantifiable wealth, Li Ka-shing's see if we can do some more?
Li Ka-shing: Hong Kong people live full penetration in Hong Kong, Legend also represents the heart Chaozhou hometown spirit. around the story of Li Ka-shing around numerous, there are commendable, some blame. business empire he founded, the business involved in all walks of life, people in Hong Kong to earn pocket money, but on the other hand, saving big bucks, he is often willing to donate large sums to hospitals and educational institutions, many people would benefit Hong Kong and the Mainland. Some admire him for his objective of the struggle for life, but also not satisfied with him, and that the Kingdom of hand Zhetian Lee, do whatever they want, and more people with both the complexity of these two conflicting feelings, both love and jealousy.
indeed , and Li Ka-shing's business operations, have infiltrated every household in Hong Kong, real estate, energy, telecommunications, retail hh many people knew it, has become a business leader who lives in the Li Ka Shing, the lights working class children, but also he's from the He made people complain too much money.
Nevertheless, the news about him, even if the message is irrelevant lace will always attract people's attention. He said that every word, even though chat, but also often become the newspaper headlines. in his words and deeds in public, are the focus of chasing the spotlight. He presided over each of the performance of Cheung Kong Group, the presentation will be disguised as his own press conference, the media care about him views on political issues, health, and even private life, more than the performance of the Group itself.
carries the University of Hong Kong to do teaching and research purposes, the school is to thank him, and decided to Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine on the name of the crown, the results caused some opposition from medical students and graduates.
University of Hong Kong, the predecessor of the Hong Kong College of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen was the first graduates of the College, School of Medicine over the past century are not the title, this time in the absence of full consultation with the school under the century-old put the signs gave the Li Ka-shing, a graduate in the press Advertise on opposition criticism of school practices on the surface is wrong, in fact, the less the light of the Li Ka Shing College soiled.
Subsequently, part of Hong Kong Li Ka-shing said the alumni will not give up the opposition to give him the HKU School of Medicine the title. the school eventually will be renamed the School of Medicine University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. this incident caused such a strong rebound, can be said that the sky because of Li Ka-shing's reputation. Some people think that the conditions to be Li Ka-shing donated more money, and the school to thank him, to find a title for his new building can be.
since the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing joined this, the business grew and grew, the media will praise him I do not know is a derogatory nickname : the Li family in Hong Kong do have great influence.
the envy of the Li Ka Shing of Hong Kong people, but famous celebrities are also suffering. an ordinary person, although not Li Ka-shing's wealth, but freedom is priceless. Li Ka-shing is sitting over billion dollar fortune, but can not buy the free world, he and his family go to any one place, there is close follow bodyguards, his wife, Chong Yuet Ming tomb robbers also beat note in an attempt to grave robbers.
their family life, especially the Li Ka-shing's confidante and remarriage, have become a popular staple of conversation. Seventy-eight session of the Li Ka Shing has not made retirement, he has been walking an extraordinary way, political and economic circles in Hong Kong do anything they want, many people However, all to his lead. Furthermore, many people in Hong Kong Li Ka Shing rush for money, there are some opinions, he said:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cai Jian should not miss the opportunity of democracy

 Affirmative teacher reference
reproduced Cai Jian: can not miss the opportunity
of democracy: the sword
Cai Cai Jian: China University of Political Science professor and former deputy director of the NPC Standing Committee secretary, part-time people of Peking University Law School Congress and the Executive Director of Council Research Center, Beijing Institute of Political Management Distinguished Professor at Columbia University, Harvard University and Yale University to give lectures. with a: and transformation - the process of legal construction of New China a good thing, but we recently noted, that is, an anti-democratic trend emerged, then democracy has been a misreading of what, in this misreading of what is behind it, we go to the Chinese Professor of Politics and Law University, Mr. Cai Dingjian, Hello.
Cai Jian: Hello.
anti-democratic trend appears for two reasons
Moderator: Recently it, I noticed that there are some articles on this some discussions of democracy, which it seems there is a direction, that is negative, for example, the relationship between democracy and China, etc., then in your opinion, why at this time, there will be such that an anti-democratic Thoughts?
Cai Jian: This talk about democracy, it should be said to be a common sense, but, um, why this, especially in recent years, most recently I have noticed that some media published several articles, to abandon democracy this loss. I think there is such a background, we know that democracy, from the history of modern China, from the May Fourth Movement has been established, democratic and scientific way of saving the country of China.
Cai Jian : This is one that should be said is a common concept of the formation of Chinese society, a common philosophy, but also from the historical experience of China, out of a lesson learned the truth. So instead, China's economic development since the rapid development, this appears anti-democratic trend, it is difficult to understand.
Moderator: So you, you have also made special mention of a background, that is, rapid economic development after the emergence of a counter-trend, then it inside, and this is also relationship between a particular background?
Cai Jian: I think so for some reason, of course, for this reason are many. So China's development, is not this one, a sound democratic system, is what we mean is a authoritarian political situation, rapid economic development, then there are some people that China is not to create a new model, we do not need this, this more fully democratic system, we can rapidly developing economy, or we can in a Under the authoritarian politics of economic development.
Moderator: This is a.
Cai Jian: This is a, another one, we know that after China's rapid economic development has brought this community of this differentiation, Among them, some people do get rich, and rich beyond it, they think, we live in very good shape, why should the Democratic ah? he felt the need of democracy, I think this is one, there are some vested interests consideration. I think this is, two very important reasons. of course, does not rule out that some people in this economic development, China social differentiation, and differentiation after the poor and the rich out of this boundary, Some scholars, but also protect the vested interests stand to protect the rich point of view, to consider the issue.
anti-democratic theorists of democracy in the misreading and distortion of
Moderator: So I noticed that now everyone in the For example, the question this democracy, so sometimes, often take China in 1966 to 1976 the decade of the Cultural Revolution of the state, such as As an example of democracy. So that you see at the time, precisely because such a democracy, resulting in a society of a mess of a large.
Cai Jian: This is in China, this is often used to criticize democracy, that democracy is not good, not a good thing for this example, often take things for China during the Cultural Revolution, said, okay, you say democracy, the good, you see the Cultural Revolution, great democracy, what brought Results. Of course some people will take this, the German Hitler thing, you see not, this Hitler came to power, nor is it, it does not prove that democracy is a good thing.
Moderator: is democracy may be selected a despotic a regime.
Cai Jian: Yes, because Hitler came to power, he is also up through democratic elections, the German Social Democratic Party that this is Hitler, he came to power through the election and, in some of Hitler's advance including such a misunderstanding and one-sided understanding. Of course, if we say that the time is it, how can we fully and correctly understand democracy, democracy of our criticism, often make the mistake that he has a lot of one-sided democracy , the wrong understanding, on the other hand is that democracy is not one perfect system, we must make it clear that these two points. democracy is not a perfect system, he is not to solve all problems, democracy is a malpractice, which a flaw, that is, that is, we say that democracy may bring the tyranny of the majority, will bring the tyranny of the majority. what I just said, this, for example, Hitler, is not it, that came to power, this also possible, because Hitler came to power was supported by a number of workers in the employment of workers under the economic crisis to resolve the problem, by most people, the support of the workers.
democracy, how to avoid the Guy: So in fact, as you just said this, the tyranny of the majority, it seems that in the first democratic general we may all return to the ancient Greece, then I know there was one called It is not that this is somewhat similar to the tyranny of the majority.
Cai sword: in, but also to discuss the issue of democracy in our time, it will often take an example, that ancient Greece, Socrates, he is a sages, philosophers, because he advocated a number of new ideas, met some of the city was a small number of stubborn opposition forces, he passed a democratic approach, then direct democracy in ancient Greece is the way to sentenced him to death, so this is a typical example of democracy, he will sometimes do stupid things, do bad things, it does, from this history, we may find some examples to illustrate the Democratic majority might bring Tyranny, I have cited these examples are some of those critical of some of the points of democracy. But then, I said, the two aspects, first, democracy did in the past tyranny of the majority of people do have problems In the absence of a legal guarantee, not the social protection of human rights, democracy may lead to the tyranny of the majority, this is what we say democratic deficit. But then, in the history of democratic development, human beings know that the democratic system, and he's excellent sex is great, far outweigh his shortcomings, so people have to the pursuit of democracy, then in the pursuit of the process, it has continued to address the shortcomings of democracy, of which there are some institutional settings, the majority continue to address Tyranny problem.
Moderator: What kind of design for example?
Cai Jian: I give, you can cite some historical facts to illustrate. then the tyranny of the majority, that is, I just said, such as that Hitler, Germany Hitler came to power, the people feel, alert to democracy may appear tyranny of the majority, then after the war, Hitler in Germany, after the victory over Hitler Germany, a very important democratic, a legal system, legal system, is the establishment of a Constitutional Review in Germany, then the establishment of the Constitution of the German Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court is a very important function, that is it, by a small number of specialized judges to adjudicate the law passed by Parliament, is not a violation Constitution.
Moderator: to even the most adopted.
Cai Jian: Yes, even the laws passed by the majority of people that I just said, for example, in the Hitler era, he can use the review, so, in theory, that is, the legal system to restrain democracy, to limit the tyranny of democracy, and use it to review the law, is not that constitutional protection of human rights which, the basic principles of limited state power, this is a important system settings, used to combat the tyranny of the majority, this is a system.
there is a system for it, for example, that we know, the war, the establishment of the United Nations, the establishment of the United Nations, which has two objectives One is the maintenance of world peace, another important goal is to protect human rights. the protection of human rights, the establishment of a system, we know that the United Nations, the The problem is to protect human rights, protection of human rights is what this means? that the rights is to go beyond national boundaries, then a country, a sovereign country, in the past that theory, he could Treatment of his people, a government can Treatment of his people, then the United Nations Charter, he needs to go beyond national borders, the international community can intervene in a sovereign country, if you do not respect basic human rights, then we can also interfere.
so is it, if you are a country the tyranny of the majority there is even a form of democracy through intervention in the small number of people to some basic rights, is not allowed. This is so that the implementation of a series of human rights protection system, requires the State, sovereignty, countries have also set up a corresponding system of human rights protection, to counter some of this brutal, barbaric laws, it is this unconstitutional law, and some governments that this, too right. So you see these systems, there This is very important to some other system, not one by one to which I cited.
democracy is not a simple system, judicial review, the legal system, to counter the tyranny of the majority, then it, the rule of law in a way, a complete legal system, to some extent, also to counter the tyranny of the majority. Let me give an example, For example, in our past, if you rise to the principle of democracy, we tend to understand China, democracy is majority rule, which is also a wrong one-sided understanding, democracy is majority rule, well, then we in the past, Chinese history, often the rights of minorities gross interference in the majority, a majority agreed, setting off the Cultural Revolution, is not it, most people say, we were raid to a person's home can be copied, we have to fight him, people can be pulled to the street fighting of the.
that it is not consistent with true democratic principles. democratic principles, he is not a simple majority, that is, I just said, there is a very important principle is to protect human rights. human rights, fundamental rights, he is not consistent with the principle of majority voting, if you do according to this logic, according to this simple one-sided understanding of the principles of democracy, majority rules, then this the tyranny of democracy, that is, will always occur. you can be very simple, we used to say, I can give an example, we a village which, for example, we used to say, the people are rich, then we split the auspices of large
people: we vote about.
Cai Jian: We vote, we're it to divide, and that can not be the case. is not, we can not say, for example, let's hate the thief, we are to this thief arrested, paraded through the streets, hanging a sign, or we say, the thief, the thief is the Chinese people that the past, said his cut hand, you can do that? No, why? this, his hand-cut, and this is his right to life, the right to life, it is higher than the majority of this kind, likes and dislikes, and joy, anger, and so the basic rights of democracy to contend with. This is a very important principle But many of us the theory of democracy, scholars, and they do not understand democracy, one-sided understanding of democracy, simply democracy, interpreted as the majority, I say it is very large on a misunderstanding of democracy.
democracy and efficiency in the long term benefit and economic development
Moderator: I also noticed, there is an argument that the past three decades China has developed rapidly, especially where this infrastructure as China, for example, like a highway, may be our example in just a dozen years, China has become the world's highways. At the same time, and the initial stages of our development in India about the same, then the highway base, including base construction is of such a relatively slow one, a state. So I have heard many people say, that is the wrong, that India is too democratic.
Moderator: So often, you want to repair a road , if you have a meeting to vote, there must be a long, long one of a long process, the end result may be, there is no efficiency.
Cai Jian: You said this, I understand should be the so-called democracy and the economic the relationship between social development, is not ah? I think it is democracy and the relationship between economic and social development, this is also the debate on democracy is an international topic, a topic of long debate, but I think there is some basic consensus the international community, is democracy should be beneficial to economic and social development, rather than negative economic and social development, now there are some scholars criticized the so-called democracy Ye Hao, called some of this, politicians Ye Hao, they will tend to some special individual cases, to grant democracy, I think that in dealing with the issue of democracy, is also a one-sided, or say, he has a point, inaccurate, or it, the deeper meaning, he did not a deep understanding of democracy for the role of economic and social development, he is very superficial to understand, that in a number of countries, you see not, this democratic ah, like you just mentioned the case of India, he does very simple to see the surface phenomena, such as Thailand will give some, you see not, Thai this, then do a mess he do this, how to carry out economic, ah, I think this is the lack of the democratic system, the role of economic and social development, a deep a one-sided understanding of point of view. Why do you say?
Moderator: What do you understand that?
Cai Jian: First of all democratic role of economic and social development, it is not a direct, not like I issued a command This I take what measures the Government, the economy will go up, he is not, democratic role of economic and social development, is a potential, is a role of intervention.
Moderator: potential, the performance Where?
Cai sword: the potential is, he is a social environment architecture that many people agree with that, is it, international investment, large capital investment that people want to choose the investment environment, not will choose a system to protect the country not to invest, this, that is it, the democratic legal system is a system of capital, if it is the system environment, democracy and rule of law a good country, certainly will be a good investment because the investment here will are protected and will not be in danger. If it is a non-democratic country, if invested, people will be very worried about, is not it? because he can not see that the system is not stable.
Moderator: Yes, he's expected.
Cai Jian: He is not the expected side, he does not know when, and now the leaders, it may be safe, following the leadership change, he does not know, that this, this expect that the long-term investors to choose the environment, which is a basic role. we can see that the international community there, you just this, the real investment environment is good or bad, people are to assess this, is not ah? So this point then, they did not see it. another one does, democratic society, he was a very important role, he is more conducive to protection of property rights, as an economic, a social and economic development, property rights protection is very important. So what, a society without a democratic system to protect his property rights system, and can not be sufficient protection.
Cai Jian: This us, we can also see a lot of historical examples, is not? property rights for economic and social development, and this is what economists have shown, I do not want to say any more. another one is, the democratic system, I just said, you speak of this example, economic development, Specifically, we look at a city inside the city, for example, I have to say specifically, for example, we are not to have public participation, or what, we are relying on executive orders to determine which of our city, we have a small number of leaders and experts to decide, I can, I can build quickly.
I can build very quickly, our past experience and lessons of history, I think it was in precisely this place, we have always said democracy and efficiency, that my decision-making efficiency is high, but you know, in the absence of such a system following a democratic, decision-making efficiency is high you are, you can quickly do one thing, you can quickly determine a project, but Once the decision was a mistake, the damage and influence, it would not say, if you are a big policy, so his influence is not a few years. is not ah? instance, we leap, we have a wrong decision-making, brought us this economic and social impact, it is not years to recover. because this is a decision-making, is not ah? that this, if there is a democratic system of decision-making mechanism, he decision-making process may be slower, may be slow, because he has to be discussed repeatedly, but once the decision-making, relatively few have the kind of his wrong decisions
Moderator: He is everyone's a consensus.
Cai Jian: Yes ah, but also through the discussion, the various interests of this game, is not it, to form a consensus, you think, ah, we Chinese say the hell is going on, is the reason . is not ah? you all aspects of society involved in the discussions, there would surely be making fewer mistakes. Once the decision right then he was, although I am making slow, but his decades of development in a correct decision Now, he will progress. Of course, a wrong decision than would be faster to develop.
Moderator: So I just noticed you mentioned the two countries, that India and Thailand, said India , I understand many people may, he questioned the democracy is democracy will be slower, so that in Thailand, people are worried that may be, democracy will be chaos, then, including last year, in fact, is very obvious that the political situation in Thailand is very, very confusion, which may also bring a range of issues, including China Taiwan now we see, also, we also found that the first is, first, that the elections will result in a fragmentation of a society at the same time, that also affect economic development, then as the concerns that you feel does not make sense?
no democracy in India is even worse
Cai Jian: Democratic chaos in the interpretation of the question, I have to add that democracy will be slow problem, just as the example of India, India this example, I have not fully explain to you that just told us that the relationship between democracy or economic development, the relationship with the decision-making, from the long-term, up from the environment of large , we can not in the international comparison, we can not very simple, I said before, we can not simply come over, speed of a country's development, the pace of development, must be used with the country's economic and social history combination of culture conditions, and if we ignore this point, a simple ratio is meaningless. We Chinese always say conditions Well, we talked about India, we should also say that India's national conditions. Many of us are simply For example, you see India as engage in democracy, you see not, he developed not we fast, he does not we will soon develop, this is an example, I think this case can not be established. We must take the development of India and put that in India to compare the economic and social environment can not simply say that compared with China. India is what kind of country we know that in India, the country of its resources, with China to than it is for this resource , the poor, the Chinese tell the truth, the vast land of China. India's natural environment, conditions are very poor. the original Indian life, life is very short, are forty years old, is not.
Cai Jian: India people have been the tropical ah, this, just that he was the Indian Ocean, natural environment, so the various conditions and India's environment, natural environment, are poor. particularly in India, it is a very complex ethnic, religious complex history to its legacy of social hierarchy, very deep, very, affect the social development of the system of this inequality. So, with his domestic The ethnic conflicts, and often there will be some turmoil, is not, ah, Kashmir, is not ah. So a country like India, to his independence, developed to this extent, I think this is very not easy . So they are better than India has with him, we can very similar with India, a country than Pakistan. you can see, India's democratic system, the advantages of their development. You see in Pakistan, you see that the kinds of economic development indicators, it is to India and China than in, this economic development, in the end who is good and who's bad, some people may have different views, but more than you and Pakistan is not ah?
Moderator : Yes, very clear.
Cai Jian: clear, more importantly, India in the bar in 1947, about the 1947 independence, India's economic and social development has been very stable and smooth. India had little of the man-made natural disasters, man-made disasters. India, the country, from say this is very great. We Conversely, if there is no democracy in India, India must be a disaster. We can see many such similar countries, including the South-East Asia, South Asia, of course, not to mention the West.
democracy is conducive to social stability in the system
Moderator: Just now you mentioned that, if India does not practice democracy, will be how to.
Cai Jian: That is a disaster, I can say is worse than Pakistan, a country. So we tend to ignore this, we must put a country on certain social and historical conditions down the comparison, This is a scientific comparison. then I, we say to this, you just say that democracy could bring chaos to the problem. This I think this is democracy in the discussion, often encounter a problem can not be avoided, we must answer this question, only that there is convincing, to otherwise, who is not happy, turmoil, unrest it first, of course, economic and social development will have a profound destructive, we are talking about when democracy will bring chaos I think it is, with some one-sided, surface phenomena, point of view, the discussion of the democracy and stability in this society, I think we overlooked a basic point of view, I think this is fully proved by the history of human society's , that is, democratic country, is stable. This we did not argue.
right, into the democratic country, his community is stable, we can see that, for example, the Western countries, the Nordic countries, it was intolerable. this kind maintain long-term stability of those non-democratic country, is unstable. Of course we know from history, but also see the era of the last feudal autocracy in some countries, right, are history was the killing of human society, the history of the coup, conspiracy history, runs through. It is not the kind of human society to get rid of this stability, this is not the kind of predictability, in particular, bring disaster to the people the kind of unrest , that created such a democratic system
Cai sword: the democratic system fundamentally, is the solution to social unrest and create a system of this kind. as a society, a lot of war, conspiracy, are caused because of the transfer of state power The democratic system is fundamentally up to solve, the smooth transfer of state power, the question of peace, which is a basic value of democracy, which I think, we will not argue.
unrest in modern democratic countries is caused by the legacy of authoritarian
Moderator: But why, like Thailand.
Cai Jian: So, we make it clear, we say, in the end bring about a democratic system is chaotic, or say, by a number of countries, from non-democratic authoritarian government, the transition to democracy has brought chaos, and this disorder is democracy itself, or due to non-democratic system in the past the kind of turmoil, we tend to confuse the fact that, had a lot of countries, In non-democratic, authoritarian politics, he is unrest, coup kept, conspiracy to murder is not, then the transition to democracy now, of course, he himself also with such a kind, the unrest in this society that process. < br> It is difficult to avoid, so, um, we see many, many examples cited, is that from an authoritarian regime, or from an authoritarian system, the kind of transition to democracy unrest, to put this said to be democratic system disorder caused by disturbances. So the development of democratic institutions in the research process, we must distinguish between the two concepts is the democratic system itself, or the unrest called transition to democracy. I think you are talking, this example, there are other views of the commentators talk about anti-democratic example, are from non-democratic transition to democracy caused by such disturbances. then this is an objective situation in which a country, by the autocratic, authoritarian political transition to democracy, will have instability, it is inevitable. you think, ah, a society is to rely on an authoritarian past, an autocratic rule, autocratic rule, he is mainly engaged in violence to maintain this rule. of course, the people said This rule is not good, we would like to transition to democracy. Well, this time it will have to destroy the autocratic authority of the kind of violence. to establish a democratic authority.
Cai Jian: In this transitional period, is to have A problem of timing conditions, environmental conditions, if the timing is not good enough, this transition is likely to cause an unstable state. you think, ah, undermined the authority of an old and a new authority is not established.
Moderator: the middle is certainly confusing.
Cai Jian: Yes, certainly the middle of chaos, but we can see that from the human society in terms of the history of democratic development, the early transition to democracy, more or less through violence, including as UK the kind of democratic improvement for hundreds of years, eventually or through one of the guillotined the king, into a democratic system, not to mention that many other countries, such as France, after a lot of violence, and finally to the transition to democracy in transition, so this we see that the transition to democracy in transition, in the early days, the more the transition transformation, the more violence, along with a lot of violence, but we can now see, human civilization, human progress This transformation of violence, more and more reduced. We certainly can see that some countries such as Thailand, do not you see it for decades, or in the unrest, he was in transition, continue to unrest.
But we do not have that many countries are countries in transition through security. including our many Asian countries. Of course, relatively early in some countries, and Japan, we would not have said, it has not through violence to transformation. South Korea , South Korea, should I say, this transition can be considered good. the kind of tyranny in their past, the case of military dictatorship, that violence is a constant, we know that in the seventies.
Cai Jian: Go eighties, the violent conflict in Korea, have continued, but in this, the democratization of South Korea after you see this transition is not, in its ten years, you see this, I think it is the more successful transition. And this in Southeast Asian countries, including the transformation of Taiwan's democracy, it did not use violent means to transformation, although we felt a bit chaotic. But you know, it is past, that is, by the military, violent struggle to complete the process, Today, we can through a peaceful transition.
we can see, including the Philippines, ah, ah Malaysia, especially in Indonesia, this is more complex country, the economic foundation is not good. And, um, official corruption is very serious, in the 1997 financial crisis, can escape through a peaceful transition toward the election of leaders that can be such a transition, although there are some conflicts in this transition, there are some contradictions. you see there, we see the peace process. So this, I think this is a peaceful transition in transition, are increasingly shown to be feasible, but more and more. so we can not to a small number of countries, some random, chaotic phase, to prove that. < br> If we want to, if we do not this democratic system, our past, whether in China or abroad, or the West, are filled by violence of such a society. We transition to democracy, some society, need to pay a certain price. so why human society, even if there is such turmoil, and even the process there will be some violence, or to the pursuit of democracy? is because once the transition to a democratic future, then this society will be more stable, safe and stable. Just as we have to fly the plane this is a quick means of transport, may be the time the plane took off, is not, ah, sometimes an accident is at this stage, the aircraft taking off and landing. But because that value is far much higher than this risk, so people still want to fly us to choose, there may be dangerous, but so we study the transition to democracy, we not to argue or not to democracy, we do not need to argue that we should Do not fly problem, we should argue, how can we reduce this instability in the transition to democracy
Cai Jian: So to study the transition to democracy and conditions for some time.
Moderator: This is what we should do The.
Cai Jian: Yes, this is the issue we should discuss, not to be discussed, democracy is good, you do not. I think the discussion of such issues is a very common sense, a very stupid question. so much of human society this, so much experience proves, the values of democracy, of course, much higher than non-democratic system, authoritarian system, which is not debate. We can not put some in some of the chaos of democratic transition phase to prove, democratic values, to criticize the values of democracy. I think this is very stupid, very ignorant of view.
the level of democratic participation has nothing to do with the quality of the
Moderator: I think you just hit the analogy very very great. In China, we sometimes ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wenzhou will be a number of reasons for the rich

 Wenzhou people will become rich in the world for several reasons
most profitable Jewish people, but now, in the land of China there have been such a group would make money, > December 28, 2005, held in Wenzhou Yueqing Aviation Club, a private aircraft type promotion conference, 22 to 7 Wenzhou businessmen, well-known aircraft manufacturers, marketing companies collectively ordered 22 private jet, the total amounted to 133.2 million yuan.
Lee businessmen in Xiamen to 500 million bought a set of bid is successful, Lee told the auction house staff, he recently bought a new house, shows how the wealth of Wenzhou is amazed. According to the findings of Wenzhou Branch Banking, at present, Wenzhou, private capital should be around 150 billion. But authorities said the figures are not accurate. because Wenzhou People generally do not like the opulent, many millionaires, millionaires or even billionaires, their lives still quite frugal, people do not know their real wealth is. Therefore, statistics are often diminished. As Economics Home Jinglian said, the performance of Wenzhou in the figures is very modest, real wealth is greater than official figures. In recent years, wealthy investors around Wenzhou, real estate, speculation as long as income-generating livelihoods coal hh place Wenzhou will appear. And often the generous input of Wenzhou, are staggering. So, Wenzhou suddenly become the center of attention.
Now, Wenzhou has been seen as most people have a global perspective, the most business sense, the most close to the grassroots, the most able to overcome the national evil, the most representative of the trend of capital profit-driven group of people. Wenzhou wealth piled, Wenzhou has become rich to help the new generation of creators.
then , Wenzhou why it will become rich? found that in fact the rich and the poor are not the same thinking.'s record as a successful businessman to help, Wenzhou way of thinking, of course is different.
First, Wenzhou that poverty is the inability to make money is the goal of life . In many people trying to find a good job when the Wenzhou people have the business as her career.
Second, Wenzhou good grasp market trends, consumer demand to grasp, understand the state of competition, do know ourselves, to pre-empt the market in time to seize the high ground. As many people can not enter the market at the time lamented that these people have found that the market has long been Wenzhou actually occupied.
again, Wenzhou good weaknesses, they are good at using their own the advantage of surprise attack. When people are still looked down upon to do when the commodity business, Wenzhou has monopolized commodity market, Wenzhou has become a national distribution center for small commodities.
Fourth, Wenzhou good size up the situation, grasp and create business opportunities. When many people are still worried about a business opportunity, the Wenzhou people had already earned a bulging pockets.
Finally, Wenzhou in operation there is no fixed method, often under different circumstances take a different approach. many of the operating methods of Wenzhou always people can not fathom, but they can always find the doorway to make money.
then, Wenzhou spirit, what does? progressive, continuous development and improvement to work hard in the face of adversity, hard tenacious, not Pazang, not afraid of tired, and do not admit defeat, the goal can jump, doghole to drilling, would rather be beheaded than the tail, good modifications can be big or small, resilient, smart, capable, dare to venture, pioneering, strong ability to adapt to the environment, br> Here, the spirit is actually Wenzhou Wenzhou way of thinking and behavior. do one thing, the concept is very important, the concept of right, easier to implement, it is relatively easy to handle; the concept of error, but to turn their brains, do something is not enough. wealth is a habit of thinking, the habit of thinking you have the rich, you can become rich, you do not have the habit of thinking rich, you can only be poor. Only those with wealth of thought and behavioral habits, you just might actually get rich.
Wenzhou Why be rich? as Wenzhou and you do not like to think.
Wenzhou businessmen, business sense
Ten miracle business is China's Wen miracle, the miracle of the world; Wen business is China's pride, the pride of the world. A famous Korean entrepreneurs lamented that: my son is 8 years old from the beginning, I told him the story of Wen business, I believe when he 80 years old, he will find that the success of his life from these stories.
NO.1 temperature quotient is the world's only par for the groups and Jewish merchants
pocket; and the American Jewish money was installed in the pocket They prove themselves with actions to create wealth not only to study the Jews, even more than Jews. It is said that in France, Wen unique business man, doing things the Jews out of the market gradually, the world's first Jewish businessman exclaimed: There are actually more than we do business people!
NO.2 temperature of Commerce is the world's fastest-growing accumulation of wealth groups
fifties or sixties in the 20th century, Japan has created an economic ;, its average annual economic growth rate was 8.6%, since the eighties, China has become the world's fastest growing economies of countries in the past 20 years of time, maintained an average annual speed of 9.4%, surpassing Japan , set a world record, creating a new economic miracle. At the same time, Wenzhou City, per capita disposable income of urban residents also are 15-20 percent rate of increase,
1984, the Nan Cunhui created Chint Group, a registered capital of only 5 million, only 1 million in output value of enterprises in family workshops, to 2004, Chint employees 14,500 people in the book, the total assets of 4.2 billion sales of 11.9 billion. From 1997 to 2001, the annual sales income levels and average annual growth rate of total assets were 39.46% and 32.23%, far higher than similar domestic enterprises Chint Group industry average of 9.7 .2005% and 6.5%, the statistics show, Chint Group in the coming years will remain a 50% to 60% of the high-speed growth. Throughout the world, and Nan Cunhui business everywhere the same temperature.
NO.3 temperature Commerce is the world's most profitable traders
God to a poor start in Wenzhou, 20 years ago, Wenzhou, poverty and the air was filled with information about .20 years after the famine, ;. to open to you. Wenzhou. It was a joke, Wenzhou, sneezed, the world must be cold, though a bit exaggerated, but 240000 Wenzhou, they operate commodity, open a restaurant industry started, the area of investment has been involved in trade, real estate development, garment manufacture and sale of the U.S. economy can not replace role in promoting. President Zhu described the sea breeze.
NO.5 temperature is the world's most business groups
business venture of the most common problems are three: 1. funding .2. .3 information resources. management. These problems, in temperature is a natural business is not a problem before. they passed the ; their associations with the ubiquitous network in a timely manner to obtain the latest business information; talent is tap the endless treasures, they continue through their own learning and the introduction of outside talent to strengthen the management capacity of the organization.
renowned economist Dong pointed out that the Wenzhou model of the most valuable is that Wenzhou strong rich desire and entrepreneurial spirit. Wen business entrepreneurship has three connotations: one is to take risks, and second, good work and the third is innovation. in the business success on the road play a decisive role in the entrepreneurial spirit, warm the successful experience of all aspects of business can be imitated, and its entrepreneurial spirit can not be imitated.
NO.6 business is the world's temperature will be calculated businessmen
in interpersonal relationships, and they are skilled in ways of the world, stand upright smart. the application of money, they claim to spend money wisely, for operating costs, their material wealth, live in the cheapest house, eat the cheapest food. On the other hand, they sights on a project, can be bound with lightning speed a lot of money, , tens of millions of donors who thought that it was deserved.
NO.7 temperature and good business is the world's most innovative businessmen
Wenzhou ability to imitate is very alarming, they lighters, glasses, low-voltage electrical and other goods apart and reinstall, and then, you can create exactly the same product. in imitation, based on the temperature of business constantly learning, novelty, change, thereby strengthening their competitive differentiation.
2006 In May, the Conference of independent innovation, Wenzhou, Wenzhou City Party Committee Secretary Wang Man, said: Wenzhou development of the most powerful support. Wenzhou's development, is a road of reform and innovation. In the past, Wenzhou has won first-mover advantage through innovation, but also rely on innovation to lead first to the future. The most adventurous businessmen
;, bold package proved: No pain, no gain; one point adventure, one divided into to. Wen confirmed the successful experience of business words: but the risk-takers survive.
NO.9 temperature is the most knowledge of business contacts, orientation in the relationship business
commercial society, the individual has gradually evolved into social relations a very important resource, a valuable capital. are entrepreneurs in the 200,000 yuan to their advantage to know a circle is worth. PR needs to consolidate the foundation of the enterprise, the Wenzhou businessmen has become a Wen business is suffering as the world's wealth, the merchants can
are saying: suffer when that poor, rich, rough with the smooth; working to endure hardship, when the boss who can endure hardship, suffering and failure as they mentor in life, in the face of setbacks, not the blame game and keep a cool failure of the mind to laugh, they even want suffering, because suffering is a source of wealth behind.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Almost all of the standard three-star hotel and all of the following full-off

 8:30 that evening, the reporter arrived at the fire brigade north slopes of a hotel, front desk attendant told reporters: 6 pm the day before the completion of all standard rooms have been set. Subsequently, Home Inns hotel in Fushun, the reporter also visited the city more than 30 Hotel, Yangzhou Home Inns hotel, offering air ticket booking and found that except for a few luxury hotels, almost all of the standard three-star hotel and all of the following full-off, residents should travel to the vast majority of the guests, both affordable and comfortable stay.
are drifting summer season, many hotels are very popular in the summer business, Suzhou Home Inn, visitors can book in advance to stay at the best hotels, the reporter visited the major hotels in Yichang City, that: almost all city hotels are full, tourists after 20:00 is difficult to find a place to stay.
night 9 pm, Jilin, Home Inns, the hotel is located four new Heng, the reporter met Mr. Zhang is consulting Jingzhou visitors. According to him : the day the family rafting, the evening arrived in Zigui City, found that all of the county lived in the hotel, so they came to the coachman night Yichang City, the results of nearly 20 consecutive to find hotels, & ldquo, let us deeply feel to the whole world the Chinese people's patriotism; the results of all full up!

All quiet on the price

 All quiet on the price
prices, house prices always said, my parents married at that time that house prices do not always arouses interest, had never been seen live in all the units allocated your length of service to your level to your house to naturally, but there is a distinction between work units, and some sub-units on the big house, some houses on the small sub-units. But always there will be. < br> Later housing reform, housing began to flow, especially in recent years, the public does not care about the house not a day, especially in Shenzhen. some time ago to see reports that, because the wife's mother's request, so driven prices up, including also said that because the marriage has become urgent so the rigidity of housing demand. marriage began to be related with the house, someone asked: What you want is me, or want is my house? Nosey answer: your house I have to your people.
recently to see put in more joys and sorrows, may take over more of the marriage with the case, there will always involve the allocation of housing, as that feeling, feeling it was many years ago, and now aside, the only important thing is that now the distribution of the house. There are several married friends are ready to break up, but also because of the house because nothing less than the original break up of their prospective wife's mother played a decisive role in the process. the former is the wife's mother watching son ever more pleasing to the eye, and now is the wife's mother watching son's house, and then ever more thin. a couple of friends are renting, in the moment can not be put on the agenda to buy a house when he was wife's mother's breaking up, a few an older young women, are mistaken my friend who bear two or three years later, carrying the Pentium III's age, mother's encouragement, to the young men had been embarked older to buy a house, not knowing, there is room in the older side of young men around The next generation is already significant, and they have no competitive advantage. I also think this may be why the women left in Shenzhen is relatively more reasons for it, always keep looking for an apartment, and some more a house person, but only one legal wife.
economic crisis, a financial crisis that makes the original price system falls apart, but I was wrong, under the influence of the economic crisis, house prices surging, and finally more than the highest level, reaching new historical height, which is six years of our overall goal of the Daqing line: remodeling brilliant. banks to put money out, in accordance with national requirements, the state invested forty thousand million, but according to Related reports in July 2009, the bank's lending reached six trillion, which fully shows that China's bankers not bad money. It is these acts, so that oil prices, house prices are high in historical re- let the Chinese Football Association, the Society has reached a higher male competitive level, this refers specifically to curse and competitive martial arts, that speaks Basketball Football Association and universal standards of traditional education.
most economists point out The loans were all into the stock and property markets, so let the stock and property markets are not very healthy growth, playing an inappropriate metaphor, a eighty-year-old grandfather, you let him to seven times a night, and eat Viagra, of course, will only accelerate the growth of this grandfather's life. but it is related news, the country's statistical data also show that the majority of loans do not flow into the property market and the stock market. God knows how the story.
have friends Life is like QJ, when you can not resist when to enjoy it. in front of a large number of data, in the price front, the oil price front, the Football Association before, in the CBA, we are all being QJ, but Personally I really do not enjoy the feeling, I can not fight it, only silence, I am not happy, so silent.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A celebration to drive home

 Difficult to get a vote in mid-Spring Festival, this year is no exception. In order to avoid peak rush back to her husband's family New Year, we drove north in advance, a total of 9 + 5 hours away, it took two days. The first day we spent a full nine hours, through Hebei, Shenyang, and finally arrived at the scheduled before dark place to rest. The next day after breakfast, we continue on the road, the highway traffic is very scarce, the roads are much better than the day before. in previous years, We drove back home always catch up with the snow, the road is very muddy, I did not view the interest, and this one is different, because the snow is finished just a few days ago, the weather was clear, fresh air, changing the window landscape, immediately caught my attention. looking at the beautiful northern scenery, I could not help out the camera, pointing out the window constantly change the scenery, a step in the speed of the speed under 120 kept pressing the shutter hh
below please everyone in the
the vast Great Plains
Northeast snow cover in the fields under the highway near the scene

residential side of cattle grazing in the fields
Autumn stranded in the snow < br> flocks of crows flying in the sky
from the outside temperature is minus 15 degrees Celsius, Dishuichengbing. sprinkle water on to the window immediately into ice.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Deal pattern of rare earth industry or changes will be introduced

 Authority 15 to the China Securities Journal said the authorities will soon announce the policy document of rare earth industry. The document mining, smelting production and export of rare earth industry chain involves the entire production and business activities to make detailed specifications. This document will become a programmatic document for the management of rare earth industry. Some analysts believe that the document put the development of rare earth industry in China will have a significant impact, the existing pattern of rare earth industry will change significantly. Authoritative source, the document interoperability is very strong, no longer need to support the drafting of relevant documents.

the aforementioned sources, the document proposed by the industrial policy of rare earth rare earth industry in China will be more rigorous management. Including the requirements of rare earth production enterprises to improve the level of comprehensive utilization of resources, improve environmental emission standards to control the scale mining and the use of more advanced and more environmentally friendly mining techniques. The document will encourage a large group of rare earth production enterprise development.

after market rumors state will be reserves of rare earth, and in that document, is likely to be purchasing and storage as a Senior Engineer Wang Caifeng China Rare Earth Industry Association, said: enacted. Departments will be announced in the policy document was submitted to the State Council last November.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Buffon was actually the first choice to coach the Chinese Zaccheroni greatest force for fear of

 Zaccheroni the national team's success in Japan, China Buffon is a major cause of heart. The transition last season as coach at Juventus after work, Zaccheroni as coach of Japan national team, and led his unit won the Asian Cup. Buffon and Zaccheroni good personal relationships, I wonder if the olive branch extended to the Chinese national football, is there Zaccheroni force recommended?

also did not think that China is the world's number one national football first choice goalkeeper.

special correspondent Huang Qiuping

Buffon first vision of a lot in the national team's future, After I left the stadium will do? to be a coach? Perhaps, the possibility is not small. Team, China or the United States are good. While in China, very few Italian football, but after all the old coach Marco Materazzi opened the first of its kind in Tianjin, Buffon in the national team has a former teammate Tommasi adventure in China. After returning home, especially Tommasi published the book describes the trip to China, introduced China to the Apennine soccer football and start a brokerage company is committed to bring Italy to join Super League players, which are more Italian players to China Start interested.

seriously injured in the resort after a lapse of seven months after the return in mid-January after Buffon excellent condition, and re-elected last week, the Italian national team against Germany in Dortmund a warm-up fight to revive the world's number one Door God's glory, high-low block called the audience pick the best, followed by

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Play singing chat do anything, to do more than in 9158 video

 Many users play more than 9158 videos, just to chat and sing. However, the 9158 can play multiplayer video games yet. If the game play well, there will be gold, and rewards it. It seems more than installing a 9158 video, not only can sing, can talk, but also play na. As a senior more than 9158 video player, I want to tell you a little secret: play well, sing praises, good chat, there will be a windfall Oh!
Award winning singer to sing a round you dream
K song video features more than 9158, if the songs can be sung, not only win cash prizes, you can circle singers dream. the current very popular Competition is a popular singing competition. .
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Monday, February 14, 2011

102 teaches you the truth man talk with the Buddha (8)

 Second, get rid of confusion
76 life is not life awakening, that is, life is not lost during
awakening and growth process, the process is lost.
A Lost Buddha, who called his name; an awakening person, his name is called Buddha.
confused, confusion, thinking, growth, the process is unavoidable in life, sometimes repeatedly. a lot of people live trivial lives
, confused the worldly temptations and difficult to fill the desire, confusion between it and society in their own dilemma, confused that he will go.
confusion of the growth, is essential. Many people do not know what meaning of life, whether in the pursuit of What?
everyone to live in chaos, confusion with. life is not the awakening and growth process, is lost in the process. a lost of the Buddha, who called his name; an awakening of man, his name called the Buddha.
that one evening, he walked distractedly edge of the cliff. he felt bored and flat and do not want to burden the young heart has died of
lonely and difficult. he was imprisoned in the whole body, such as blood jars of wine, there is an urge to give this jar was broken. So he put his feet a gentle volley.
Suddenly, a unique voice, he can not help but listened. Oh, yeah baby crying. remote places in the hills, high above the life course by
. suddenly, hit an unprecedented excitement. He pushes his suicide death trap, follow the cries and ran the light. That is his the fate of one the most dazzling lightning.
few years later, his great works, such as spring rain falling on the Russians and the world. He is Turgenev.
despair over the life strength lies precisely in life itself. people is not very easy to die, but sometimes it is your kill themselves. Turgenev did not commit suicide because of a sudden he found himself lost.
; Awakening. 27 When the teacher when he was falsely accused of rape three female students
, then was dismissed. Today, the three
as two of the as the In addition to conspirators, no one will benefit.
not the awakening of humanity, awful history of legal case, may never learn the truth. truth, the temples have been pale.
year female high school students, now 50 an old man, if not timely clarification, 75-year-old teacher and 50-year-old student, at any time may die, by that time, without interruption from the period of history will be investigated.
we face this moved from the events, just not an old man can be rehabilitated, but that the conscience of a few girls. It is their conscience, to restore the historical truth, but also restore the integrity of the mind.
people awakening is a free man, his freedom is not restricted by others, nor to his own limitations. aware of things not previously
the process of consciousness, constitute the inner revolution. is this a real awakening, a creative intellectual thought and intuitive grasp of the roots directly.
the ultimate value of life is the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival. When people look back, there should be no regret after
, they should repent . For those who have committed mistakes, no matter how many years past, and should always be liquidated. that the wrong way, can not recognize something, or else you will continue to go wrong.
77 let alone the poor people, she is more pathetic
Do not say poor people, in fact, your more pathetic, and how their own practice? own life but also know how much?
unique to humans harbor
feeling compassion. Of course, there is a situation is to understand the difference, feel that others are poor, and was said to those who do not feel poor.
been to the temple, see the monks away to avoid the Red, nothing being done, calm and just to the afterlife. Visitors can not help the poor and said: a lot of annoying things, which suffer suffering, struggle when only hh back surface of the table
package back again, surprised to find that their seats sat a dark-skinned man, was drinking his own
that bowl of soup. drink my soup! . bowl of soup by two people together drinking, you drink, I drink. two people look at each other, are silent. At this time, black
suddenly stood up, fetched a tape noodles, put the old lady in front of , the noodles stuck two forks. two people to continue eating, after eating, each straightened up, ready to go.
; black enthusiastically answered. He is especially happy, very pleased. because he thought he did a good thing today, helping a poor old man.
black left, the old lady discovered that, next to a Zhang dinner table, no one stood to drink a bowl of soup, which is her own
bowl. out of self-esteem, a person usually does not want poor people themselves, because the mercy of others hidden inside a Superior
sense. Most people compare psychological bones there, I hope to better than others. When a person sees someone else's poor, such as watching
to roadside beggars, this person will have a superior subconscious sense, feel stronger than this man, and I feel very comfortable.
in a pleasant mood, it is easy to make good moves, such as reward the little money to beggars, do have a saint of mercy addiction.
Therefore, we must pay attention, not to mention other poor, in fact, more pathetic, and how their own practice? own life but also know how much?
poet in northern Tibet, Ma Lihua travel, lodging house in the country positions Farm decision. Tim said that positions must be a hard life at home, living environment
also occluded. spend the night in such an environment, but also to talk with the hostess positions Farm decision, the poet had a lot of sense of superiority that she believed the decision will warehouse Farm very envious of his.
be a poet was wrong. In their conversation, never took positions Farm poet's hand, repeatedly said: br> The Tibetan women believe that a person running around, is the world's most bitter woman, is the most miserable woman.
poet to understand, the world no poor people, because there can be a world-wide standards of the poor.
We always pretend to go to pity others, in front of little people find some self-righteous sense of superiority. Although
poor people when you do not know that others need not own Poor thing. we can stop and think about their own self-cultivation is not still a long way?
of our humanity, the most important event is the consciousness of their own. We have to learn in practice and practice in consciousness , in the awareness to adjust, improve, complete self and progress.
78 I do not know yourself, unknown reason, is a sin against the inner world of the strange
, leading to numerous setbacks in life.
do not know their unknown reason, the so-called ignorance of ignorance, is a sin.
can make people more aware of their Buddhism. originally clear and pure
, but with the mind, straight Buddha. Zen in a very brief few words, very general. If you want to ask why the human can become a Buddha Zen, get back to
answer is so simple and clear: because you have a Buddha nature, their understanding of themselves as Buddha. Xuechan not to seek out, Zen is not on the outside, their own for self-sufficiency, ah! so do not beat about the bush, straight down to the insight you can become a Buddha.
Baizhang Huaihai that a disciple is called Zen Master Yan Zhi Hong leisure, he very smart, in my arms in front of the sea can ask and answer ten. Zhixian Jackson into the sea off since after the death of arms, and followed a senior Zen Xuechan Weishan Ling Woo.
day, Weishan Ling Yu Chi Master of leisure said: With the Buddhist sense is no use. summarize and organize information Zhixian Zen master, when the answer does not come out, and had to return to their Buddhist temple Paipaipigu,
and spirit, and exhausted all the time, a search of the Buddhist Tripitaka and the masters of the remaining ancestral down the sayings of the koan books
, the last even reference books use both, but I could not find the
Weishan said: Chi said a senior leisure to listen to these words, the total that a senior may be interested in concealing the Huai Hai passed his first teacher, Over the years around the room filled with books, information, documents were all burned. and then went to guard the tomb of Hui Zhongguo teachers, day and night like dumb six o'clock the fire swallowing beads containing a camel thinking about this mystery.
Finally one day, Chile busy weeding in the garden when all of a sudden hoe against a stone, slightly despair soon, intellectual Taichetaiwu suddenly busy, so he bathed
incense, facing away Weishan prayer and said: You told me, I did not had the joy of today! Buddha's words, said: But you may never ask yourself: what kind of person I am a lifetime it is important to recognize themselves, only a proper understanding of their own, will not give birth to worry.
a mountain climber, once climbing Mount Everest when, to the 7800 meters in height, he could not physically support, stopped
down. when he talk in this experience, the listener is very sorry for him: that height, then clenched teeth look, then climb to the top br> regret. Einstein has received a letter inviting him to become Israel's president. Einstein refused. He said: , but also lack of experience to handle administrative matters and fair to others. , the so-called ignorance of ignorance, is a sin. lack of self-knowledge. However, only the difficulties, understand their own more of its valuable. So, you have to find the true self.
79 Do not underestimate the power of
Do not underestimate your own strength. a drop of water dripping tank , the entire water tank is our; because you have that drop of water and water tank together or not you can not tell you.
sigh themselves powerless people often think that their own power is limited. The Buddha told the world, do not underestimate yourself, who have unlimited
possible. All is not a thing br> Discovery Master Cheng Yen: out of your or not you. Tennessee, a little girl as young as 9 years old Marisa. Cape saw a television program, flowers and trees, children will easily because of serious pollution and death. in the end of the program, a man said: . br> to help her and prevent pollution. She wrote a letter to U.S. President, waiting for reply, she continued to guess whether he thought she was a child rather than ignore, or he thought it was just an ordinary letter and its discarded. this time, Marisa. Pook
served their obstacles, writing letters to newspapers, call the advertisers want them to be able to publish the letter she wrote to the president came out, she wrote in
After 12 weeks, the president, she received a reply, and in her ongoing efforts to March 1990 a total of 250 across America Bulletin, published a letter she wrote to the president.
at the same time, she also set up a group called dear citizens, She is really on the The Post reported.
her strength for the individual there are two rules: If you see any problems, can not wait for someone else to back you solve, you must address themselves to
; do not let someone say you can not do the give up, sometimes the decision to listen to your heart, stick to their convictions.
1995 �� Marisa. general temperature history have access to Junior Achievement Award, she participated in this event, delivered a speech. She said:
often think, 'This is not my problem' or 'no one would listen to me', while ignoring their own strength. Why do not you use your own strength? I was only one man, but can not be ignored. br> We often hear people say: , or give up your struggle to fight for the ideals. Please imagine Marisa. P age 9 decision, and her personal power law. I think 9-year-old girl can do, then what we can not do it?
you that you can create a miracle, that is, the power of mind!
80 when you do not know the confusion is the most pathetic
when you know the confusion, this is not the poor; when you do not know the confusion When is the most miserable.
have many things in life make us confused, so lost. clever who has not lost in its own already see through before, it is not lost. but some even Crossroads of some of the most simple can not see, addicted, to not
Buddha said: The. things that confuse you with very fresh, you will naturally clear everywhere.
no results secluded valley as one Zen Master, 20 years to support law enforcement by a mother and daughter. As has been unable to clear your heart , Shi Nan Xiao afraid
letter, so the teacher came up to visit Hill Road seeking to out of life and death importance. Custodian of the mother and daughter asked Jackson to stay a few days to do a Zen master gave Nayi.
daughter II one home, right away to cut sewing, and a needle Amitabha read a holy number. finished and then wrapped in a four horse Silver, Jackson sent
to do toll-free fruit. Jackson accepted the mother and daughter's kindness , ready to leave tomorrow, down the mountain, the night he was still raising interest meditation.
middle of the night, there is a Tsing Yi boy, holding a flag with the number of people after the preaching from, carry a large lotus flower, to the Master before the
. Boy, said: . to no avail Jackson to ignore him, the boys and repeated Quan Qing, said not to miss, to no avail Jackson took a lead to chime readily inserted in the Lotus platform. Soon, the boys and all musicians will preach away. < br> The next morning, Jackson was about to leave, the mother and daughter took a lead hand chime, and asked to no avail Jackson said: stillbirth, the groom with a knife forced open, Seeing cited chime, Zen thing to know is, deliberately sent back, but I do not know why it came out from Mafu High School Students verse of a poem: , a not away!
no fruit Zen thing to tell people, or else stained with the outside sound and so on, and can not afford the delusion to the heart. the world's most confusing and most difficult to give people is nothing more than name and Lee, too, and lost, as well as love or hate. the world too many people were confused by the material interests of the
, confusion may be only a small change in the direction of life, great confusion will change human nature.
Fiction through official addiction. Then the adjutant վ�ڷ��ſ�, take
the old name, one adjutant read: Indeed, there are many like
hair trouble, tears, or even Biechu the disease, did not hold back a life.
still others, it is very rich, but still hard to make more money? these people are greedy for money regardless, greedy for power, greedy for all
is too, or have been used to value their own things. homes can not afford, does not fit, forget and do not understand no arrangements, too painful.
clearance to open the old Master said: to leave suffering and attain music, his heart light their way, see this confusion will be happy. Zen often remarked that: the bully, not to be led by financial potential fame and fortune, not to be blinded by the hue throughout Central
people. Taoist such a mood that can be loyal to the br> life not leave confused, but always wake up. Buddha said: The former idea that Bono fans, feel that after reading Buddha. a person of color from the fantasy
phase freed from the errors in the values of walking out, down the implementation of living, Tap when the local
to realize their ideals, then there is a tremendous sense of fulfillment and happiness. This is the Zen had said: things, imaginary and spiritual, and air and the wonderful good deeds, but also false, and you yourself do not be too arrogant.
According to legend, the Buddha was born, no one will help walk the walk seven steps to the Quartet, to speak, said: inferiority.
Buddha: all draconian laws, this is false, you do not get too low self-esteem you; all good deeds, but also false, you do not get too arrogant yourself. a person is neither inferior nor Pride, it is very plain comfortable.
a captive people to do the self-esteem, it is difficult to make a difference of .1951, the British Franklin looks from his excellent DN
A (DNA ) X-ray diffraction photograph of the helical structure of DNA found after the discovery he made a speech. because by nature inferior, but also suspect that their hypothesis was wrong, and ultimately he gave up this hypothesis.
1953 ��Scientists from the Watson and Crick discovered the pictures of the molecular structure of DNA, the DNA double helix structure made false
said. They therefore won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Medicine. if not inferiority and believe Franklin own hypothesis, in-depth study, this great discovery may go down in history with his name.
Once a person is under the control of inferiority complex, and its spiritual life will be serious constraints, ingenuity and creativity will not
normal play. and then the mighty lion, once the power in a cage will not be reflected. Inferiority is a rope tied creativity, eliminate self-esteem to accomplish great things.
inferiority on the other side is the arrogant . ridge watershed because it is arrogant, because it is deep water the valley. life is the same,
not arrogant, be humble. Almost all the pride of the people, often only see their own strengths, and bring it to new heights , opinionated and not listen to any advice, then, also not far away from failure.
General Managing the Qing Dynasty is great because they do not know the truth, and lead to a fatal disaster. Managing the small Yongzheng
spent at home in, always regarded as their master Yongzheng, is loyal to the emperor. Yongzheng emperor's throne to sit, Managing the
contribution is set off, which came to the throne even after the Yongzheng Managing the Trust. Northwest Region all-military civil affairs Yao on one piece of the action
responsible for the appointment of the officials also often heard in Managing the emperor's views. Yongzheng not only on himself but also take care of his family, years Yongzheng large and small, are trained in basic family raised him.
However, with growing power, in Managing the count on active and become arrogant, it has become complacent. Once he
back to Beijing, the capital of the kings and ministers are to the countryside to meet him, he should concede defeat to these officials with the DPRK did not glance at the sweep, rode over. more excessive is that he was very arrogant sometimes Yongzheng, Emperor Yongzheng's edict once received ,
should be put on the incense table according to kneel Jiezhi, but he took it to get away easily reached, and after reading to readily thrown to the side, so Yong
are very angry. his usual swagger, it is blatantly , or even a teacher, his family trip back home, a province of Jiangsu to the countryside to meet the Chief Executive should be. So in Managing the arrogance.
hero's Managing the self-righteous arrogance not only to treat people, he wantonly accept bribes, appointed officials casually, seriously disturbed the order of the court. Yongzheng getting fed up with his actions.
1726 year, Managing the message to the emperor into the time, even carelessly put words in the wrong, praised If the language has become a curse.
Yongzheng to find an excuse which, with the opportunity caught in Managing, a list of many of his guilt and bring him down completely. Finally Yongzheng Order Managing the suicide, in Managing in prison hanged to death.
self-righteous arrogance of the people always wait until the last minute, licked, too late. boasting a proud man, the result is harm to others
small and large the risk State harm the country. Therefore, man must not be arrogant. man, to maintain a sense of balance.
82 only to face the reality, you can transcend the reality of warning people not negative
Buddhist world-weary, but to actively WTO . Only by facing reality, you can go beyond reality.
people living in the community, more or less always escapism. unwilling to face the problems encountered, always willing to choose to avoid
. In fact, the reality is simply no escape, because you live in reality, not the past, nor future. In addition there are other real world Exist?
every person must face many problems such as sickness and death waiting Aibie Li , and no one can not escape, who can not solve these problems
, scientists, philosophers can not solve, money and power can not solve, only to face the reality with the wisdom of the Buddha, what problems can be resolved.
Buddha did not allow us to escape, contrary to us to prove it, see through it, and then to go beyond it, to go hide to hide from the Lilly
not him. Buddhism is not negative and warned that world-weary, but involvement in the world. as long as the surface of reality, you can go beyond reality.
someone once lost because there are several students were killed while mountain climbing access to certain specialists. One of the questions is: how should I do, life. to
to run down the hill, it appears that smaller storm, it seems relatively safe, but may experience an outbreak of mountain torrents and were drowned. wind and rain, avoid it, you have only been involved in flood; forth to meet it, you able to survive! meet her, or avoid, different choices can lead to different results. facing the wind and rain, beat it, you become the master of your life.
Cao personally experienced over the centuries-old aristocratic families sharp bureaucratic changes in defeat after seeing the feudal ruling class
level Rise and Fall of the fate of rotation, and irreparable, deeply his untimely underappreciated, determined to write a book handed down unprecedented.
caught Cao Xueqin adversity we faced unimaginable difficulties today. In feudal society, a reader's only Bucai . top rulers and literati, but also from the novel based on hearsay evidence used to, guessing where ; the book, was the ruler of ethnic resentment and suspicion. In addition to two or three friends to support him, the world think that he is > house, so he moved several times to stop his writing.
face of such adversity, Cao retreat without depression, but draw power, even harder to write. Cao
is the face of adversity as motivation , was not intimidated by hunger, nor stopped writing because of lack of money to buy paper and, not down and out due to,
humiliation and hasty writing. He is devoted to the life work, on the face of adversity important thing is not to escape, but the push for many miracles occur in the bad luck. stress waves, which is a positive state of mind, it is compulsory in life.
further trouble when she sees the reality of life is real ; Unreal Yan life no matter how beautiful, is not true.
people only really live in the real society, savoring the joys and sorrows of life of joy and sorrow, will feel life is that AIDS has taste, will feel life is very precious.
can never escape the reality is, no matter whether you are happy, no matter whether the pain, the reality is always an objective reality, only a change in the person's state of mind
. escape and denying reality, this approach is naive, childish. cruel reality again, we have to
calm face, because we've got to survive. readily accept the reality, and frankly recognize the reality, it is wise life.
83 above me in the coverage in real tear off the mask of hypocrisy
must put on top of covering the true hypocrisy of my mask ripped off, so as to live at ease to reveal the vigor and vitality. < br> Buddha told the world: only true wisdom of the show, you can see the five aggregates according to emptiness, you can break through obstacles, I see the true nature of the universe and life to a thorough understanding of the truth. Therefore, we must always explore the real me .
everyone has the real, eternal self. we are the body, is really I gene, by the impression of knowledge, experience,
analysis, selection and dedication. as long as discover the real you, I would remove the current executive and dedicated more than half, life will
a new level. people only hair smells really me, so I ruled the heart to the country in order to achieve supreme liberation, to move towards a successful life, and reached life's mission.
But how many people live in the real world? In this world of color color trekking, and many people are so hypocritical. wearing a mask of life, and that taste good about it? no disguise shell, is not very easy to do?
There was once a scholar, he went to visit a long time did not meet Jackson. and the Zen Master is very speculative to meet and then talk to them, do not feel has been known to
lunch time, the Zen Master they remain lay meal. waiter for them to do two bowls of noodles, noodles taste is very fragrant, just a big bowl of a small bowl.
both sit down, Jackson looked at the noodles, they put a bowl onto lay in front, and said: