Sunday, February 27, 2011

----- Chinese people admire the most richest man Li Ka-shing

 2006 Forbes the most well-known Chinese, whether or Jin Lee, Morrison in front of him are a little flair mm, of course, popularity can not be quantified and quantifiable wealth: he controlled the economy of Hong Kong; who runs the world's largest port; he monopoly on the transmission line for the mainland of China; he enjoys from top real estate developers and retailers in the world; he has the largest mobile phone operator in the title. only he can in his field frequently perceived by the world, and then affect the future of this industry worldwide hh he is Li Ka-shing.
2006   3 25, the fiscal year ending in a moment, Li Ka-shing's company released annual results last year. During the period, net profit of 13.995 billion of Cheung Kong Hong Kong dollars, up 31% over the previous year; and Hutchison Whampoa net profit amounted to 14.343 billion Hong Kong dollars, than the previous year 11%.
who said the money more Nanzhuan 21, Li Ka-shing is creating a myth, it is interesting that the Chinese Li Ka-shing's attitude towards it seems is moving towards two extremes. as an organization in 2002 to investigate the influence of a entrepreneurs were people from the Mainland and industry insiders who think the best selection of Chinese entrepreneurs. It was found that the Mainland People standings, Li Ka-shing no suspense in the with a fervent desire to Baiweierqi as a teacher, but can doubt the market leader.
our Buffett, Welch, Bill Gates, Dell have worshiped at the same time, is not suddenly ignore their side of the well-known example of 50 mm of the last century's, when Li Ka-shing became king of plastic flowers, when the world, who knows more than the four is the story behind the name?
the biggest misunderstanding is that popular culture: a world-class entrepreneur, was just as successful in many industrial fields to forge ahead, in the modern multinational management and superior professional performance, is a Buffett-like many places, as long as you have this hope. In this special report, the . Hong Kong as a full open world free trade port, the market quickly emerged plastic products imported from Europe and America. plastic products easy to shape, light weight, rich colors, beautiful application, to replace a large number of wooden or metal products. Plastic are easy to aging, including toxic and other shortcomings, but these shortcomings, the atmosphere was one of the annihilation of the sake of fashion. Today, plastic is still popular.
1950 summer, the Yangtze River was founded in Shau Kei Wan Li Ka Shing Plastic Factory. He took the ; the Yangtze River, The most interesting topic, the face of Li Ka-shing's success, many people will have such a wonder: the sale by the plastic flowers, can be a billionaire to do? Yes, plastic flowers alone, the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has been among the ranks of .
Zhouzhao clear: We analyzed the Li Ka-shing, can not ignore is his mind and assess the situation, which is the good Chinese tradition, a rainy day. Li Ka-shing, plastics and toy factory has more than three hundred, the Yangtze River plant is only one operating in good condition, but a lack of features. Yangtze River plant exports plastic toys, with not much difference between the industry, but there are subtle changes in style only. At this point, Li Ka-shing mm1957 envisaged future problems began, the World War has ended more than a decade, the Western countries into the economic fast track, the pursuit of quality of life increasing, Li Ka-shing's rapid transformation mm main factories manufacturing plastic flowers.
plastic flowers actually flowers and a replica of the last century, is a pursuit of the 50s era of coexistence with the embarrassing mm expansion of the limited standard of living and thinking, the pursuit of plastic flowers like a perfect alternative to the transition era, and quickly occupied the Hong Kong and even the global market.
Zhou Zhao Qing: Li Ka-shing to do 50 years, now has a very good successor mm as Zhejiang businessmen, such as known as the sale, export trade, the other can not be ignored in common is plastic flowers and are very low tech lighter.
1957 began several years, Li Ka-shing through the wholesale trade has become the world's largest exporter of plastic flowers, manufacturing business, the key point is: He has not only to Hong Kong, or to neighbors and the production of his products are exported to Europe and America. Duanmu: the late 50's post-war history of Hong Kong, the first golden period, re-export boom and stick Hong Kong identity card manufacturers there market thriving scene. In fact, many manufacturers of plastic flowers, the Yangtze River is just one very common one, in the but not really into the on the vitality of the product will never last long, he was looking forward to a change in life.
the beginning of transition: background
60's Li Ka-shing: Hong Kong is very special, the terrain is not only narrow, but mountainous. limited land, unlimited demand, coupled with the Government to take the high land price policy, cost of land, building your house on Ngong .1951, eloquent people than
200 million in the late 20th century, 50, the number approaching 300 million. population increase, not only increase in domestic demand, due to collection of the local economy, sustainable development, need a lot of office buildings, commercial premises, industrial plants.'s long-term downtown housing shortage, the increase in the amount of housing always keep up with demand.
production of plastic flowers, Li Ka-shing is a means of making money, is his inheritance of the primitive accumulation. His ultimate aim is to demonstrate the value of life of a person to see how much energy! run far!
to Hong Kong for example, in the Today, tens of billions worth of the super-wealthy, 90% of the real estate business or engage in real estate merchants. to the last century is not the case in Hong Kong 60 years, Monopoly dispersed in the financial, shipping, real estate, trade, retail, energy, industry, etc. many other industries, real estate developers in the wealthy family, is not prominent. It also means that not everyone favored the real estate industry.
1958, the Li Ka-shing mm in busy industrial area to buy land to build a North Point Industrial Building, 12 floors .1960 year, he was in the new industrial area northeast of the Chai Wan on Hong Kong Island mm built industrial buildings, the area of two buildings, totaling 120,000 square feet.
Zhouzhao clear: to show at this time successful businessman Li Ka-shing sound side, money tighter, Li Ka-shing would rather reduce the construction or not built, nor sell or speed up the building progress 期房; he tried not to bank mortgage loans, or in conjunction with banks to provide mortgages. it now appears almost certain conservative, because his profit focus on rental properties.
readers will see here, the same conservative marvel at Li Ka-shing: 期房 purchase, bank mortgage real estate sector is almost the only way, in the eyes of Li Ka-shing has become a crisis, foreshadowing, of course, This position requires the backing of huge financial backing, income, property value, the time the more backward, the better will emerge.
60 buildings built in the early years there are still many, even in the golden zone in Central time to time so you can see the old old building, forty years property continue to add value, rental income will increase steadily, these building owners to be the most secure group of people.
60s in the last century the first five years, Li Ka-shing two-pronged, plastic flower business is growing bigger, robust appreciation of the real estate investment , gradually forming a larger ideal.
1965, the 35-year-old Buffett began prominently in his investment, million dollars; 1965, 30-year-old Jack. Welch turned out to be Li Ka-shing's company, a General Electric (GE) Plastics Division, General Staff; 1965, 10-year-old Bill. Bill Gates is attending the three public elementary schools in Seattle grade; 1965, Mike. Dell was born; 1965, 37-year-old Li Ka-shing net worth billions of dollars, world-renowned, Gates family placed plastic flowers on the table is perhaps from the Li Ka Shing factory hh
July the same year, Nixon sent Dr. Henry Kissinger visited China, and Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong met with Hong Kong's re-mm position will be further strengthened. Hong Kong's business community restored the confidence of Hong Kong's future, businesses flourish, the surge in demand for housing.
in stock surging speculation, the Li Ka-shing always keep a cool head. Maikongmaikong is taboo to do business, like real estate speculation in the stock market speculation, Duanmu: 1966 and the turmoil of life in Hong Kong in 1967, which the world situation and the background on the mainland of China, closures, runs the local tide swept a time, it is like Ebb Tide, a number of qualified small business is out of mediocrity out in At this point a major push into the real estate industry and the overall situation needs courage. Li Ka-shing firmly in the face of long-term investors in the real estate sector; the same time, he is conservative in the long-term investors. He, as always, new and old industries in the New Territories of Hong Kong Island shopped land area, construction plant. He reliance on bank loans as little as possible, and some industrial buildings entirely on self-construction of its own funds. companies operating under the Ministry of plastic in good condition, a substantial profit.
taken from the : sell the property, with a number of sites, worried about the property's Li Ka-shing. He kept listening to the radio, reading newspapers, watching developments closely. After careful consideration of the Li Ka-shing, decided to take an amazing feat: abandoned as I prefer, bargain hunting.
is very chaotic governance and promise better. Although large-scale emigration rates gradually, while the owners of resettlement, is still eager to get rid of not housing, shops, hotels, factories sell cheap price. Li Ka-shing think this is the best time to expand, he accumulated plastic down earnings and property income. He bought the old building will be renovated rental and use of the property slump, low construction costs the opportunity to build properties on the site.
Zhouzhao clear: With the political situation in the loose, Li Ka-shing has entered the fast lane, about 1971 years ago, he had to focus completely shifted to the cause of the real estate industry. At this point, recovery of Hong Kong businesses , real estate market to flourish. Some people say that Li Ka-shing is the Hawker casino, gamble, luck to win. Only Li Ka-shing himself aware of his amazing feat if they contain gambling. He was the real estate disaster in the big winner, but not speculative home.
Duanmu: Hong Kong people are aware of a small, Li Ka-shing in the main switch to real estate, he did not close the production plant plastic flowers once, although the 70s of last century has been the decline of exports of plastic flowers, and even started lose money, but his long-term will save the factory, the one business that is the root of Li Ka-shing; second to his business colleagues who have had an account through thick and thin.
Li Ka-shing has never been a lack of sense of responsibility. achievements Superman: We on this Superman in the end know about?
Background: In 1971, the establishment of the Yangtze River Real Estate Co., Ltd. .1972 Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong stock market boom faction, Li Ka-shing look for the opportunity to change the Yangtze River Real Estate, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, bull riding public, become the , the true subject of the publication filled with Li Ka-shing, look at the title, for example: Art of War and the layout of the Li Ka Shing Shopping Centre, all over the world to win the ultimate business channel, the secret of making big money wealth champion, the layers of self-made breakthrough to China hh 11 students are the only common advice is to create the , the stock market from the real estate tycoon Superman, the world pioneer in the new economy Pier hh dominant showing in his fantasy world of popular culture, and cultivate tens of thousands of loyal entertainment sell; equity investments, Li Ka-shing makes sense if, like Buffett, the trust; in 3G a long winter, he got a lot of consistent support for small and medium investors, for the others to do the 3G might well have folded.
When you Li Ka-shing's life will be read as a fairy tale, you have not thought to ask: Why?
Zhouzhao clear: In my study, major turning point in his life achievements of Li Ka-shing is definitely not enter the field of plastic flowers from the real estate industry, but the acquisition of the early 80s and Hutchison Whampoa. from the strategic level to consider, and if all the real estate investment business, the Group's earnings will simply be real estate related factors, such as government planning and land policy. such an investment, of course, when the economy profitable, but once no longer, the Group will bear a heavy blow, and even the financial crisis will be.
Hutchison Whampoa and the property is not detached main projects: container terminal, transportation, retail, manufacturing hh most important point: Li Ka-shing is no longer the king of plastic flowers, or real estate business, he has tentacles into all areas of the market.
from the last century since the late 80s, the long and the Department (with Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa) began into overseas markets, overseas business, including energy, real estate, telecommunications, retail and container terminals, the investment area based in Hong Kong extended to mainland China, North America, Europe and other Asia-Pacific region. Zhouzhao clear: long and the Department actively path of internationalization , in addition to expanding the scale of response to the needs of the business, but more importantly through the globalization of business to diversify their investment risk. different markets affected by the economic cycle will be different, different degrees of competition in the industry, the market will have the first stages of development there, the long and the Department on the use of such regional differences to increase its investment flexibility and reduce the risk, return always to ensure a satisfactory overall.
in Hong Kong, as a real estate tycoons, Li Ka-shing has become a City of Heroes He even is the city's glory and dream. Correspondingly, although the birth of the Mainland in recent years, many real estate rich, but of pure business skills point of view, very few recognized, it also goes without saying real estate profits something very simple, but difficult to learn.
3G gamble: challenges of new economic background: Hutchison has been in the UK, Italy, Hong Kong, Australia, Austria, Denmark and Sweden launched a 3G business, 2G global total of more than 10 million customers and more than 1.038 million 3G customers, of which about 361,000 UK and Italy about 455,000, about 36,500 Hong Kong. the current daily volume of 3G subscribers increased more than ten thousand mm all firmly established and the yellow world leading position in 3G.
from plastic flowers to the property, and then re-acquisition of the last century 80's Hutchison Whampoa, towards internationalization. at the port, telecommunications, retail, real estate, infrastructure and energy industries to become world-class industry leader. the last century, 90 years, Li Ka-shing moved to the new economy. in 3G, Internet, media, pharmaceutical and other high-tech industry to seize the high ground territory.
these themes as the story to read, people are familiar. However, if you do business management the seminars, we almost did not mentally prepared. For example, Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong's largest real estate real estate group to do business but also expand to the Mainland and overseas, then the strategy and operation of any unique, why not see in-depth Analysis of the article or even post way to go?
Zhou Zhao Qing: Watson has been one of the world's largest retailer, its expansion in recent years that deeply shocked the Europeans, is also very fast development in the Mainland, but now do not expect to read a Watson's book about books, with a systematic analysis of the papers are hard to find.
a lot of people think, 3G will be a need to overcome the Li Ka Shing last stronghold, after all, he has been nearly eighty years, One can not avoid the topic, opponents are looking at him, 3G is said to be a long winter, Lee I, Superman fame will be destroyed in the 3G is on?
Duanmu: the era of the use of pagers, Hutchison Whampoa Business has been carried out in Hong Kong, a bang, the four major mobile operators in Hong Kong, the supreme status of Hutchison Whampoa and can not be shaken, but the 3G service is not very well carried out. Richard Li, the Internet bubble era in misappropriating public discontent caused by the action , which offset some of the goodwill of people of Hong Kong Li Ka-shing.
huge upfront investment as the telecommunications industry characteristics, competition in the telecommunications market in the future, whether there is enough patience not the pursuit of immediate profit, carefully cultivate the market, will be One key to success.
Zhou Zhao Qing: Li Ka Shing is very patient, he acquired Watson's two decades, the first decade of sales performance has been unsatisfactory, he was quietly waiting for the retail industry in the spring, waiting for the mainland retail opening of the market, and there are two decisive factors mm .3 G foresight and financial support may be to wait, but to be honest, I do not optimistic about this project, if it fails, it will be one of the biggest flaw of the Li Ka Shing life mm but he afford to lose.
Li Ka-shing is known as moral principles do support, observers see is a storm, perhaps he is strolling.
50s from the 20th century plastics plant (Plastics workshop is more appropriate) of small business owners, to the early 21st century world business giant, Change is really only one in the . However, it is confused: not a professional research. He also said that in their countries, the research on Li-depth than a lot of Chinese are doing.
Masterpieces Li Ka-shing is a legend, he started from scratch to become the richest man of Chinese, to the left a deep impression on people. But I think the meaning foreign friends, as a world-class entrepreneurs, Li Ka-shing has not been the interpretation of professional positions.
Zhou Zhao Qing: the Hong Kong entertainment ; they get even higher than the big names of the an expert on both the professional judgments, for they probably also need to recognize the achievements of several generations.
Duanmu: I am a Hong Kong people, we can not imagine life without Li Ka-shing, said some exaggeration, the 600 million Hong Kong people every time In every moment of his accumulated wealth, transportation, telecommunications, lighting, retail hh After much deliberation, to remove Yang nasal breathing, he has almost binding on all aspects of our lives in front of Bill mm in the Li Ka-shing. Gates seemed to be somewhat speculative. Li Ka-shing a few decades to make a great report card, if this is a ;, because of its
remove quantifiable wealth, Li Ka-shing's see if we can do some more?
Li Ka-shing: Hong Kong people live full penetration in Hong Kong, Legend also represents the heart Chaozhou hometown spirit. around the story of Li Ka-shing around numerous, there are commendable, some blame. business empire he founded, the business involved in all walks of life, people in Hong Kong to earn pocket money, but on the other hand, saving big bucks, he is often willing to donate large sums to hospitals and educational institutions, many people would benefit Hong Kong and the Mainland. Some admire him for his objective of the struggle for life, but also not satisfied with him, and that the Kingdom of hand Zhetian Lee, do whatever they want, and more people with both the complexity of these two conflicting feelings, both love and jealousy.
indeed , and Li Ka-shing's business operations, have infiltrated every household in Hong Kong, real estate, energy, telecommunications, retail hh many people knew it, has become a business leader who lives in the Li Ka Shing, the lights working class children, but also he's from the He made people complain too much money.
Nevertheless, the news about him, even if the message is irrelevant lace will always attract people's attention. He said that every word, even though chat, but also often become the newspaper headlines. in his words and deeds in public, are the focus of chasing the spotlight. He presided over each of the performance of Cheung Kong Group, the presentation will be disguised as his own press conference, the media care about him views on political issues, health, and even private life, more than the performance of the Group itself.
carries the University of Hong Kong to do teaching and research purposes, the school is to thank him, and decided to Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine on the name of the crown, the results caused some opposition from medical students and graduates.
University of Hong Kong, the predecessor of the Hong Kong College of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen was the first graduates of the College, School of Medicine over the past century are not the title, this time in the absence of full consultation with the school under the century-old put the signs gave the Li Ka-shing, a graduate in the press Advertise on opposition criticism of school practices on the surface is wrong, in fact, the less the light of the Li Ka Shing College soiled.
Subsequently, part of Hong Kong Li Ka-shing said the alumni will not give up the opposition to give him the HKU School of Medicine the title. the school eventually will be renamed the School of Medicine University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. this incident caused such a strong rebound, can be said that the sky because of Li Ka-shing's reputation. Some people think that the conditions to be Li Ka-shing donated more money, and the school to thank him, to find a title for his new building can be.
since the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing joined this, the business grew and grew, the media will praise him I do not know is a derogatory nickname : the Li family in Hong Kong do have great influence.
the envy of the Li Ka Shing of Hong Kong people, but famous celebrities are also suffering. an ordinary person, although not Li Ka-shing's wealth, but freedom is priceless. Li Ka-shing is sitting over billion dollar fortune, but can not buy the free world, he and his family go to any one place, there is close follow bodyguards, his wife, Chong Yuet Ming tomb robbers also beat note in an attempt to grave robbers.
their family life, especially the Li Ka-shing's confidante and remarriage, have become a popular staple of conversation. Seventy-eight session of the Li Ka Shing has not made retirement, he has been walking an extraordinary way, political and economic circles in Hong Kong do anything they want, many people However, all to his lead. Furthermore, many people in Hong Kong Li Ka Shing rush for money, there are some opinions, he said:

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