Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wenzhou will be a number of reasons for the rich

 Wenzhou people will become rich in the world for several reasons
most profitable Jewish people, but now, in the land of China there have been such a group would make money, > December 28, 2005, held in Wenzhou Yueqing Aviation Club, a private aircraft type promotion conference, 22 to 7 Wenzhou businessmen, well-known aircraft manufacturers, marketing companies collectively ordered 22 private jet, the total amounted to 133.2 million yuan.
Lee businessmen in Xiamen to 500 million bought a set of bid is successful, Lee told the auction house staff, he recently bought a new house, shows how the wealth of Wenzhou is amazed. According to the findings of Wenzhou Branch Banking, at present, Wenzhou, private capital should be around 150 billion. But authorities said the figures are not accurate. because Wenzhou People generally do not like the opulent, many millionaires, millionaires or even billionaires, their lives still quite frugal, people do not know their real wealth is. Therefore, statistics are often diminished. As Economics Home Jinglian said, the performance of Wenzhou in the figures is very modest, real wealth is greater than official figures. In recent years, wealthy investors around Wenzhou, real estate, speculation as long as income-generating livelihoods coal hh place Wenzhou will appear. And often the generous input of Wenzhou, are staggering. So, Wenzhou suddenly become the center of attention.
Now, Wenzhou has been seen as most people have a global perspective, the most business sense, the most close to the grassroots, the most able to overcome the national evil, the most representative of the trend of capital profit-driven group of people. Wenzhou wealth piled, Wenzhou has become rich to help the new generation of creators.
then , Wenzhou why it will become rich? found that in fact the rich and the poor are not the same thinking.'s record as a successful businessman to help, Wenzhou way of thinking, of course is different.
First, Wenzhou that poverty is the inability to make money is the goal of life . In many people trying to find a good job when the Wenzhou people have the business as her career.
Second, Wenzhou good grasp market trends, consumer demand to grasp, understand the state of competition, do know ourselves, to pre-empt the market in time to seize the high ground. As many people can not enter the market at the time lamented that these people have found that the market has long been Wenzhou actually occupied.
again, Wenzhou good weaknesses, they are good at using their own the advantage of surprise attack. When people are still looked down upon to do when the commodity business, Wenzhou has monopolized commodity market, Wenzhou has become a national distribution center for small commodities.
Fourth, Wenzhou good size up the situation, grasp and create business opportunities. When many people are still worried about a business opportunity, the Wenzhou people had already earned a bulging pockets.
Finally, Wenzhou in operation there is no fixed method, often under different circumstances take a different approach. many of the operating methods of Wenzhou always people can not fathom, but they can always find the doorway to make money.
then, Wenzhou spirit, what does? progressive, continuous development and improvement to work hard in the face of adversity, hard tenacious, not Pazang, not afraid of tired, and do not admit defeat, the goal can jump, doghole to drilling, would rather be beheaded than the tail, good modifications can be big or small, resilient, smart, capable, dare to venture, pioneering, strong ability to adapt to the environment, br> Here, the spirit is actually Wenzhou Wenzhou way of thinking and behavior. do one thing, the concept is very important, the concept of right, easier to implement, it is relatively easy to handle; the concept of error, but to turn their brains, do something is not enough. wealth is a habit of thinking, the habit of thinking you have the rich, you can become rich, you do not have the habit of thinking rich, you can only be poor. Only those with wealth of thought and behavioral habits, you just might actually get rich.
Wenzhou Why be rich? as Wenzhou and you do not like to think.
Wenzhou businessmen, business sense
Ten miracle business is China's Wen miracle, the miracle of the world; Wen business is China's pride, the pride of the world. A famous Korean entrepreneurs lamented that: my son is 8 years old from the beginning, I told him the story of Wen business, I believe when he 80 years old, he will find that the success of his life from these stories.
NO.1 temperature quotient is the world's only par for the groups and Jewish merchants
pocket; and the American Jewish money was installed in the pocket They prove themselves with actions to create wealth not only to study the Jews, even more than Jews. It is said that in France, Wen unique business man, doing things the Jews out of the market gradually, the world's first Jewish businessman exclaimed: There are actually more than we do business people!
NO.2 temperature of Commerce is the world's fastest-growing accumulation of wealth groups
fifties or sixties in the 20th century, Japan has created an economic ;, its average annual economic growth rate was 8.6%, since the eighties, China has become the world's fastest growing economies of countries in the past 20 years of time, maintained an average annual speed of 9.4%, surpassing Japan , set a world record, creating a new economic miracle. At the same time, Wenzhou City, per capita disposable income of urban residents also are 15-20 percent rate of increase,
1984, the Nan Cunhui created Chint Group, a registered capital of only 5 million, only 1 million in output value of enterprises in family workshops, to 2004, Chint employees 14,500 people in the book, the total assets of 4.2 billion sales of 11.9 billion. From 1997 to 2001, the annual sales income levels and average annual growth rate of total assets were 39.46% and 32.23%, far higher than similar domestic enterprises Chint Group industry average of 9.7 .2005% and 6.5%, the statistics show, Chint Group in the coming years will remain a 50% to 60% of the high-speed growth. Throughout the world, and Nan Cunhui business everywhere the same temperature.
NO.3 temperature Commerce is the world's most profitable traders
God to a poor start in Wenzhou, 20 years ago, Wenzhou, poverty and the air was filled with information about .20 years after the famine, ;. to open to you. Wenzhou. It was a joke, Wenzhou, sneezed, the world must be cold, though a bit exaggerated, but 240000 Wenzhou, they operate commodity, open a restaurant industry started, the area of investment has been involved in trade, real estate development, garment manufacture and sale of the U.S. economy can not replace role in promoting. President Zhu described the sea breeze.
NO.5 temperature is the world's most business groups
business venture of the most common problems are three: 1. funding .2. .3 information resources. management. These problems, in temperature is a natural business is not a problem before. they passed the ; their associations with the ubiquitous network in a timely manner to obtain the latest business information; talent is tap the endless treasures, they continue through their own learning and the introduction of outside talent to strengthen the management capacity of the organization.
renowned economist Dong pointed out that the Wenzhou model of the most valuable is that Wenzhou strong rich desire and entrepreneurial spirit. Wen business entrepreneurship has three connotations: one is to take risks, and second, good work and the third is innovation. in the business success on the road play a decisive role in the entrepreneurial spirit, warm the successful experience of all aspects of business can be imitated, and its entrepreneurial spirit can not be imitated.
NO.6 business is the world's temperature will be calculated businessmen
in interpersonal relationships, and they are skilled in ways of the world, stand upright smart. the application of money, they claim to spend money wisely, for operating costs, their material wealth, live in the cheapest house, eat the cheapest food. On the other hand, they sights on a project, can be bound with lightning speed a lot of money, , tens of millions of donors who thought that it was deserved.
NO.7 temperature and good business is the world's most innovative businessmen
Wenzhou ability to imitate is very alarming, they lighters, glasses, low-voltage electrical and other goods apart and reinstall, and then, you can create exactly the same product. in imitation, based on the temperature of business constantly learning, novelty, change, thereby strengthening their competitive differentiation.
2006 In May, the Conference of independent innovation, Wenzhou, Wenzhou City Party Committee Secretary Wang Man, said: Wenzhou development of the most powerful support. Wenzhou's development, is a road of reform and innovation. In the past, Wenzhou has won first-mover advantage through innovation, but also rely on innovation to lead first to the future. The most adventurous businessmen
;, bold package proved: No pain, no gain; one point adventure, one divided into to. Wen confirmed the successful experience of business words: but the risk-takers survive.
NO.9 temperature is the most knowledge of business contacts, orientation in the relationship business
commercial society, the individual has gradually evolved into social relations a very important resource, a valuable capital. are entrepreneurs in the 200,000 yuan to their advantage to know a circle is worth. PR needs to consolidate the foundation of the enterprise, the Wenzhou businessmen has become a Wen business is suffering as the world's wealth, the merchants can
are saying: suffer when that poor, rich, rough with the smooth; working to endure hardship, when the boss who can endure hardship, suffering and failure as they mentor in life, in the face of setbacks, not the blame game and keep a cool failure of the mind to laugh, they even want suffering, because suffering is a source of wealth behind.

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