Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Away from the love

 Have you ever feel that? Very apprehensive. Very strange.
Constellation said today is a relatively good day. But my mood has been no peace down. I do not know why. Supposed to be sleeping. But no. I lay down on the disorderly mind. I do not miss who really do not. I'm just troubled heart.
ran downstairs to listen to soft music. I only know that there are light music. I want to write something, but they do not know what the writing. Ha ha. mess ~!
happened to read a word mm away from love and home. suddenly felt this word was for me. away from love and home. away from love and home. Ha ha.
yesterday in the car to see two very young couple. say this because I think they less than eighteen years of age. So really very young and the. two staff in hand, in a very crowded bus, said no one else the mine. eyes filled with sincerity and happiness. suddenly, just thought of my young age. the same simple beautiful. the same thought into self-love. Ha ha. Think really funny. That is not my first love who had heart on. just that period of time is in any case erase. wipe it away. because they pass through. So, do not naive to want to forget. I just forced myself not to think. just because, have no meaning. But will ask, so simple feelings, as time and transparent, is not in this life, will not look back with hh
people who passed. actually have given me happiness can not be replaced. In this regard, I know how to be grateful. can only appreciate it. can do? Oh. love, hurt. and then to each other farewell and forgotten. to rest, and only walked the streets are still entangled heart. just different degrees of entanglement. in the farewell. and loved ones, and home and our own hh hh
until you commit suicide over it? I had. But I think I'm more miserable. hell that ghosts are not willing to take me places. usually over suicide people do not choose a second time. No matter how hard life, suffering, and they would choose to suffer in silence. and have endurance beyond your imagination. Suicide is not hypocritical. nor is not brave. They just feel lonely. < br> I remember that feeling. is a complete relaxation. is really happy. there is no nostalgia and sadness. I'm in a coma just felt the glare of white lights and pink liquid. then I do not know long, woke up hh
do not know how. Today think of so many old things. Oh
do not want the want the. forget forget. I'm a heartless person.'m doing great. I want to go home to bed hh

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