Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saddam Zengyin cursed the Gulf War did not prevent the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev

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Song China Global Times special correspondent reports, according to the Russian News Network on January 20 quoted Start to launch the Gulf War,

U.S. media reported that 20 years ago, before the start of ground operations in the U.S., Saddam sent Foreign Minister visited Moscow to try to stop the U.S. military at the last minute ground offensive. Under the influence of Mikhail Gorbachev, Saddam decided to But the U.S. is clearly still continue to prepare the ground action.

stored in the Museum of Texas, President Bush issued the decryption shorthand that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was eager to find a way to both protect Iraq, it also enabled the Soviet Union, the United States in international diplomacy, equal partners in the solution, while the Bush administration did not want for themselves and their relationships at risk. Bush comforted as Mikhail Gorbachev was also determined not to give up urging unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait's request. February 22, 1991 Bush on Gorbachev on the phone, said: the withdrawal of our troops there. I know Iranians and people of other countries what kind of mood. Day Gorbachev and U.S. President George Bush in a telephone conversation that he felt the position of the major changes in Iraq, Iraq abandoned their proposals for the solution of Kuwait, the Middle East crisis and other issues linked to the requirements, while the Soviet Union agreed to the request agreed in 21 days instead of 6 weeks withdrawal. But Bush not satisfied with this, insisting Saddam Hussein unconditionally withdraw its troops to the Kuwaiti claims, and proposed the elimination of Iraq developed chemical and biological weapons in the nuclear military program planning.

1991   2   23   Saddam wrote in a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev, said: the recommendations of the Soviet Union or the American threats? He cried: speech files (a total of about 2,300 hours of recordings and millions of pages to print text) and a small part, 3 of which were disclosed in the meeting issued a number of shorthand is not completely known to the public details. It turned out that Saddam was convinced that the U.S. does not have enough determination to launch a ground war, when U.S. and Iraqi soldiers killed in rate of 1:4 compared to the United States will stop the offensive. In addition, he did not expect to burn oil fields of Kuwait triggered the anger of people around the world, said the move is an attempt to hinder the U.S. military pilots smoke the action. 1

2   22   Gorbachev's diplomatic efforts fail. Bush said to him, burning Kuwaiti oil fields in Iraq the United States can no longer reason to delay military action, he demanded that Iraq must withdraw its troops on Feb. 23 at noon, and be completed within 7 days. February 23, just minutes before the deadline, Gorbachev and Bush again calls. Gorbachev believed that the Soviet Union through the United Nations joint action to resolve the Iraq issue will be the resolution of other crisis samples. He said: . February 24 AM Aziz returned to Baghdad, Saddam brought Gorbachev unpleasant letter. Soviet leader said at the time, Bush rejected the Soviet proposal to avoid a ground war if Saddam Hussein to 9-10 days should be announced immediately withdraw its troops.

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