Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nine synthetic tofu to cool body art network edge

 Synthesis has been working to force
tofu before, Suzhou even a tofu company in Wuhan is false, the company's use of soy protein isolate, modified starch, synthetic red pigment and other tofu, and fake foreign brand product sell sell. Let Business Members have been surprised that the counterfeit products in addition to name and address, such as health permits, consistent with the Company's products, the packaging bag as well as its unique authentic products, laser anti-counterfeit mark. value of 800 million, to provide packaging bag can be seen a large-scale printing. salt, MSG mixed in certain proportion, mixing with the mixer, then add ice to battle pigment mixing, poured into a mold box into the steam cabinet after boiling, the last packet packaging. Reporters on the scene, this use of soy protein isolate somewhat similar to the frozen tofu made from tofu, is rich in pores. soy protein isolate is the low-temperature precipitation of soybean meal-based material production of a protein supplement Shuangwai Wai body art network, often used in beverages, nutritional foods, fermented foods and other food industries. modified starch is a modified power of edible starch, while the the public is new to the channel has not, and now even been working with synthetic tofu. Recently, Hubei, had seized the business sector on the synthesis of tofu processing work permit. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the city soybean industry associations on the back with oneself, She said the urban village in the island also found a number of stalls have been working successful synthesis of suspected tofu, soy products for which she supported the public to buy the recipe.
main ingredient of soy bean curd tofu brine
What is the normal made? have work be considered a synthesis of bean curd tofu, there is no harm to the body it has? Yesterday, this reporter interviewed the City Hall of soybean Industry Association in Hong. Hong told reporters at the Palace, the traditional approach is to use soybean curd North ground into milk, then add water or brine made of high quality protein that contains tofu, have lower blood pressure, blood fat, cholesterol-lowering effectiveness, is can be raw or cooked, young and old Safe, longevity food to share. Process. ; in the Temple incense that had workers should not be regarded as synthetic tofu tofu, , the state did not have the broad bean definition of the concept are given. And on the current market, including soft tofu, dried bean curd and other products, production standards are applicable to January 1, 2009 came into operation ferment soy products, .
small workshop in the house of the abuse of additives
Hong Road, in accordance with traditional practices, under normal circumstances, a pound of beans for a couple of pounds sixty-two tofu, but some small workshops to more tofu, and then an additional coagulant, so that Four pounds pounds of beans to tofu. now about 2.2 yuan per kilogram of soybean, the traditional practice of a pound of tofu costs two dollars to super-power, but after adding the coagulant, the cost drops to two yuan.
in the Hall of the Hong , told reporters today in Qingdao tofu at least hundreds of small workshops, the use of coagulants phenomenon is often common, coagulant is an additive, you can play water freezing, the effect of increasing stiffness. too low, so many of today's small workshop, large enterprises do not hit power a small workshop. sales volume has accounted for less than half the market, and the rest were a number of small workshops to the occupation. (Reporter old Yong)
synthesis has been working with shares of Smell real tofu tofu slightly yellow color, smooth surface with special flavor beans Tip
City soy industry associations to remind the public not to buy when you buy soy products Taibai color or color all yellow tofu. soy oil, soy bean curd made by a slight yellow color, the surface is not very smooth, there are some small eyes; and synthesis work has come in the tofu, a very flat surface is very delicate. color abnormal white tofu coagulant is added, the color yellow exceptions, all yellow, is caused by the addition of pigment.
there is some flexibility in the traditional tofu, and moderately soft, smells go, there should be an bean flavor. had better work flexible synthesis of tofu, soy protein isolate because of the use made of, the smell is very light, even the taste of chemicals , and because of the outside contains a lot of additives, will have long-term consumption harm the body.
In addition, in normal circumstances, the bean curd is fragile, but if you see it strong tofu, it also lost a small mouth.

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