Sunday, December 26, 2010

(Lunar) December Love Horoscope fortune

 Translation Society reprinted Please note that star and translator, thank you.
Aries - Translator: Luo
month long dark leaves you feeling relaxed and happy with the first day of opening. Everything goes smoothly, no matter where you go can experience a little romance. It also depends on where you go, you can consider to open spaces, beautiful makeup search, you will find a lot of Aventure fingertips. to 5 and 6, it is Obviously, you will deeply romantic country.
what you might meet? what they do in the end, love you completely change the world, so quickly? very exciting! to 11, do not be authoritarian , and so can not all romantic. to 15 and 16, you are ready to display a high level of intelligence attracted the newcomers. little interesting argument you can make the interaction more interesting. to 21, Check your own health and well-being index. get enough sleep it? eating normal? take care of yourself is a top priority for care of a relationship, you should understand.
to 24, and a bit smug, everywhere with flowers and chocolates .28 No. 29 to increase the chip, these days you have the most romantic inspiration into action. After all, your fantasy life does not depend on it? Then, doing some important romantic decided to end this month.
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Aries - Translator: K (translated version 2)
1 number, you breeze on sunny days in a state of mind began in December . (I must have a sentence on) the results are more perfect everything, whatever you go, you will always encounter some small romantic. watch where you go - the ideas, outdoor facilities, mature natural beauty (or other good things), you do not impartial askew in the middle of so many romantic, (Shuangwai Wai ah) .5, 6, looks like you will be bogged down in the romantic domain.
exactly who you will meet them in the end doing to transform your love life so thoroughly, so fast? really exciting ah! (not only the excitement of your predictions, I am also very excited about the translation!) 11, not too bossy, - that was not romantic .15, 16, and you will be ready and the new guy in the teeth of a high intellectual level, and (good ghost prophet, engage engagement means also, do not be so fast?!) a little bit of heated debate, will be more Oil filled for your activity feed! 21, look back at your health and well-being. sleep is enough? to eat healthy? take care of yourself, to a large extent take care of your (love) relationship, you know The.
24 number, you will be pleased to get high, is easily cut flowers into a box of chocolate and beam .28 No. 29 or before you never had the most romantic of the two ideas together, and put into action. Anyway, do not light like doing it. Finally, this month will be a very important decision in the end of the romantic.
Taurus - Translator: Requiem
cold have you ever the most wild fantasy What love? is not and the most special man carried away no matter how high on Everest can not breathe? is not with you in the deep sea pearl that has been looking for diving with a partner like? 1 day, think about this, because the more you know about what you want, the more likely you try to make these things happen.
you may be a bit Xiao Ning bar or a small toss, but you ambitious and clearly the results satisfied! Once you and that special someone together, you make all sorts of things happen. (Translator's Note: ... ... Taurus that went wrong not to ha ~) but in the 5 day, you will be more concerned about love instead of outside interference. dirty dishes is sure to make you unhappy, but in any case we had to brush is not it.
in 10 day, better on their own. It also makes other people on your good. Then, in the 15 and 16, you will feel, and some sparks inspiration. continue with your No. .21, .26 out with front number, love some really exciting will happen - .30 number of heavily armed it, do romantic plan - to think farther!
Gemini - Translator: meteor200706
ready? of a good eyeliner, this month in the romantic atmosphere of love expand .1 number, you will become very attractive and action - elegant in front of others, to attract all eyes. What could be better? 3, begin, you it will become plain.
to ensure that all financial situation in an orderly manner, so you can focus on your love .8 number, do not miss this feast of love, true self show it, in love No. It always fled .13, you will once again consider the significance of the temptation. Although gentle and elegant in front of others, winning is to capture other people's rules, but there must remove the mask, the real face of another day of .18 number, down to earth. If you love this idea of a very peculiar case, the implementation is not a good time to .21 No, you and the other half or crush the relationship is moving to a new level.
open mind , to accept any thing you need to learn .26 number, you will start to an exciting new way, in this way, you can headstrong into it. it all for you No .30, is a renewed focus on its money Subject matter of a good time. Anyway, if you empty your pockets, then there is no way for an exodus of love.
Cancer - Translator: Luo
leaves dark beginning of this month, you would be willing to with a new way to experience things. you feel like doing experiments, and the relationship comes to love, you will have a thorough pioneer experience. the first day of the month, can take full advantage of this initiative to try new things. you can hardly expect Such an attempt will lead where you arrive - or you meet someone! 2 and 3, you take the initiative to give you a fresh and very satisfying romantic stamp. has never been the feeling of love s good! then to 8, you headlong into your curiosity.
you know, this curiosity you want to find out the truth of every mystery. you explore the more in-depth, you will find the more more; and you found that the more you the more we wished to explore in more depth! to 12, your creativity will be key to your success, it will make the way you express love very unique. to 15 and 16 No, you are more determined than ever to try new things, whether it is a sushi restaurant or a way of thinking, you want to make your proposal. and then to 20, do not let the difficult work of your passion excessive digestion .
to 24, and your circle of friends and family exchange of privacy when try to be careful. here filled with full of warmth and affection, so please be careful not to step on anyone's sore feet. to 29 When you remain flexible when faced with a stranger. to 30, a romantic's dream will become reality.
Leo - Translator: Currency
everyone has a secret dream, hope and aspirations, when it comes to romantic time. Some people want excitement, some people want stability, while others want to set foot on their special someone cargo around the world. What do you want? 1, ask yourself this problems, this day will be observed close to your future the most effective way romantic. but remain flexible to ensure that not too addicted to the details, you will not see the panorama, when you do encounter this month someone special time.
to 5 and 6, your muscles will begin to flirt great training. Do not be surprised if your lips and eyelids as they have started aching smile and blink! 11, believe it or not - you can really attract them attention. to 15, both of you will have spiritual development. This can only be a good thing.
20 days or so, you will be committed to nurturing the love in the bud stage. give it lots of sun and love the guardian Do not forget to get rid of weeds around it. to 23, you will see your hard work of bringing out the gardener incredible results - how to meet the observation of the growth of love! 28, the back, watching from afar.
Virgo - Translator: cold Requiem
ah, love. (Translator's Note: Why I almost sprayed with special ... ...) will never be so simple, but on the other hand, always is not that difficult. Sometimes , how gratifying! without love, life was so empty and boring? So, in 1 day there will come a moment make you feel nothing is worth the effort, do not give up! love at the last minute will be spent difficulties. As long as more time, at the same time, neighbors string to a door to allow you to clear your mind.
at 3, your mood becomes positive up .7 and 8 will make your stir thoroughly love it. when you meet that really get you guys fancy it? their presence is to make your life colorful up? you're ready to accept their weaknesses and to understand their weak it? That sounds terrible! 11, the day just make sure that they will appear in front of you just fine.
the 15th day, the exchange will give you and your family in love with the new revelation .20 on the number, go to a trips to the gym now. This is the best way to vent emotions, otherwise it will conflict with the .25 and the other number, do not want to control what, 30, help someone and they will love you.
Libra - - Translator:
1 号 you climb a very lucky man into the arms of sexual gratification. This month is a good start, is not it? good use of this positive momentum of development, to Development around the side of your radiant energy bar. seriously God to feel blue, blue, warm wind, the wind swinging the green trees. you guessed how? attention to these things that make you look beautiful more attractive.
5, of other making any decisions, if you have not prepared, then. When the mood spread to their own time to take a day off, good to swim. 10, with a smile to the face romantic things on it. in your date after work, when an important person, carry with it a few candles. Let candlelit dinner for two wonderful river to replace the noisy nightclub bar..
15 number, when things did not follow Do not be depressed when the expected development of the. Many times when things do not happen as simply as it had happened, this is not the .20 number, your number will be seeking a sense of stability .25, calm, calm to accept everything, no matter what. 【Translator: afraid to see this any more.】 29, your optimism will make you gain a real romantic and exciting development.
Scorpio - Translator: I think only around
1, compared with your love life, you may be more concerned about your career. a hard day at the office after work when you accidentally encounter a person of interest, you may not be ready. Do not worry: They will find you a charming atmosphere you care about. If they give you a phone number, do not think twice, give him good! 5 and 6, you two may be difficult to encounter. Do not give up - still opportunity!
10 and 11, a romantic getaway to really begin. This is the result you meet the other half, you know! 15 and 16, you will consider in the future, it is possible they are consider the future. When you two are together may take some time to discuss your future the .20 number, you will work hard to deal with things that are totally counterproductive.
you want stability, but also the need to stimulate; you want to place to live, but do not want to lose the sense of adventure; you want to find your one and only, but want to retain choice .25 number, these extreme ideas may be a burden to you, but you know the answer, right? Well, strive to do it ! 30, you will be a big draw for this month romance a perfect full stop.
Sagittarius - Translator: Pluto coral
this month, you have to deal with a problem from start to finish is: compromise. particularly in the love life, compromise is the key. even so, but if you can not tell each other what you need and very happy to find a compromise point, there must be a happy successful relationship would be very difficult . Fortunately, you now know, summer is a great start to the beginning of all time. Everything in developing, and you can use around your natural energy to put ideas into action.
5 and 6, contact the next of your partner. to check what your relationship is not a God thing extra horses, on the contrary, it is necessary to .10 and 11, out now. You will feel so cool, like a broad Like the canvas of blue sky thinking will let you indulge in the .16 number, look forward to a romantic it. The good news is that this romantic love hidden in the .20 in your number, like a great idea and then in your next dinner date time to achieve.
25 number, your day will be shocking, but 30, for what is happening under the surface to be a serious effort to look at nature. secret emotions will be very powerful force - especially When it is not the time to be open. before the start of next month to explore what happens within the next thing to God Ma.
mentioned twice in the summer of paper I think the master is not here or we have the southern hemisphere winter Zhesi It also describes how the blue summer days, how much .....< br> Capricorn - Translator: Wang Ya
love affect your health in complex systems only occupy a part of. This month, from 1 start, you health should be top priority. It was thought to be under serious attitude to look at a relationship, and its role in your life. and then love and its rules under consideration. Are some overlap between the two? hope The answer is so right. Of course, love is a very large category, while only part of a relationship, but there is no love relationship - or at least the possibility that it is love - will be difficult to be satisfactory and full pressure. If you considered all of these, then it would confirm the health programs you really act in accordance with it. Do you regularly work? eat a balanced diet? general, to love others we must love ourselves.
12 on 5 and 6 Day, for those who really no longer plays a meaningful partnership to a profound and solemn thinking it. If this is the section of relationships, then perhaps it is time to cut off the yoke of. Then, on December 10, think twice. 15, in-depth understanding of your dreams so that your subconscious is more aware of these problems, which may be driving the choices you make love on the .17 and 18, very romantic, do not consider too much - and just taking the time to pleasure can.
12 23, if things are not as crystal-clear words are not worried. Then, to 28, re-verification under your daily diet, exercise and emotional status of .30 days, with some sincere tell This whole month to end it.
Aquarius - Translator: clover
If your love is always in a similar battle took a plunge, No. 1, you should take a look at what the trouble source in the end. is not every emotion you love hot because of the performance to the best of? you devour each other not because of fear of your own, or halfway deserter, and their exclusion from thousands of miles? the current or next if you want a relationship goes well, be sure that their inner power, and performance Kaopu point. This is the first step to obtain a satisfactory love.
6 numbers, which gave birth to a self-examination will be negative feelings, rather than face to avoid - these are just feeling it. the sooner the Society to bear the feeling of anxiety and uneasiness, the sooner you learn to not let these negative things and the erosion of your love relationship .10 No, and workplace-related, slow down the rate at this time. When the work overload, when people difficult to deal with emotional problems.
15 号 Five Star Day. have an appointment, then, absolutely sublime! 20, you will become a bit flirtatious intent. Note What makes you relieved the burden of emotional, This is very helpful to the emancipation of the mind! 25, use your creativity to add new points to it romantic! love will be most useful! 30, emotional need to believe that regulation is the day, ah, more effort and persistence.
Pisces - Translator: lolofeb
as this month, ready to roll - Cupid is wandering, he will represent you shoot thousand arrows! every time you turn around, there will be another admirer in the impressive try to attract you. What can you do? you are still so lovely, the weather was still so sunny, the air around was filled with love. enjoy it - you certainly are worthy of attention! 6, if you want love, then you need to look beyond their own needs to others. you will, right?
10 and 11, to try something you have never tried before. whether it is a tricky start to walk to your favorite theme or someone that play a greeting, and do something new will be the focus. 16, you will get a little help from your friends. They may give you to arrange a blind date or give you some very useful comments, so please open your heart. your friends always behind you.
in 21, remember: If at first you do not succeed, try, try again. This applies to love, and other areas of your life! 26, and if you start to think fast completely exhausted, then to save the energy, and 30, be prepared to fast-paced training to for the month of romance for the finish line now.
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