Thursday, December 16, 2010

The next three years China will continue rapid growth of real estate - Ren Hui grass - Yang Fengbin - Focus Bo ...

 NO: 167
the long run, China's real estate boom grows. At least the next three years China's real estate industry, there are still long-term growth potential, which is based on the following 40 reasons:
1. Economy Growth: China's economy has continued double-digit growth for many years, sustained economic growth will inevitably bring about urban development, housing expansion, increased investment and excess liquidity. Chinese people's average income would be almost doubling every 4 years, people buy Housing and investment capacity also increases, while the change in the quantity and quality of housing the most pressing of the middle class more number of families were The pull of gravity and the number of related industries (over 90), the real estate industry has a long-term future will definitely various cities in the country and the most important pillar industry;
3. population stocks: China The population has more than 13 million people, and is still growing. in China's huge population and family total, there are still a significant proportion (about 70%) has not really solve the housing problem;
4. Population Increment: Each year, China's population of about 1,000 million increments, which is a near Australia (the land area of China close to) the number of the total population, only the population caused by the incremental annual increment is about housing 100 million square meters (taking into account the urbanization rate);
5. Population Quality: The quality of China's population change. With the economic and technological development, life expectancy is increasing (compared with 1995, average population in China today life expectancy increased by nearly 2 years old), health in the upgrading, improvement of the knowledge structure, which houses the required quantity and quality of people's requirements are changing;
6. population structure: population aging has become an inevitable trend China's population aged over 60 has exceeded 300 million. population average life expectancy in the property market has a direct impact, choice;
7. 换房 needs: the current world's largest construction sites and housing markets are in China. In the fierce competition, residential products are constantly upgrading and updating, to attract qualified people to invest. China the most important commodity in the current housing market is to improve the structure of demand, that demand for residential wards. there are more than half the residents are not satisfied with the existing housing conditions. At present Chinese urban per capita housing area of about 26 square meters, the number of not large, there is need for improvement. The per capita living space increased by 1 per square meter, the country will add 1.3 billion square meters of housing demand;
8. Second Suite: With the middle class and wealth groups Development (China in the middle class in society, the proportion is 11.9%, Social Sciences Academic Press launch of the increasing family, the purpose of a self-occupied, investment and investment plus occupied;
9. demolition buildings: the process of urbanization mean that the city continue the transformation and expansion of the national need for the demolition of housing each year the number of homes up to 100 million households square meters. At the current split in many cities, will remain thus add 1 to 1.5 million square meters of housing demand;
10. policy class room: the current government pushing low-cost housing, affordable housing price categories of housing and other policies, will increase such the amount of housing development, while helping to separate the housing market. In order to protect low-income families, especially low-income housing, is taking a series of policies at all levels of government. Let the 1.3 billion people truly realize the In addition, the previous different conditions of marriage for young people today are changing, young people get married the required housing market has become one of the important structures. Some experts pointed out that some countries in Europe and America, young people are generally about ten years after graduation just buy a house, the main buyers were over the age of 35. And not only in China, most home buyers is 25 years old to 30-year-olds, but there is also a graduate to buy a house, buy a house to buy a ward of the phenomenon. There survey, 25 to 28 year olds have become the backbone of the purchase.
12. Investment awakening: China's savings deposits of urban and rural residents has more than 20 trillion yuan. but on the whole, most people investment has only just begun awakening consciousness. At present the Chinese people in the country for an effective channel for financial investment is very limited, and the stock market 13. remote home: whether it is personal investment or to help friends and relatives to buy a house or a convenient off-site work in different places growing number of people buying real estate. tourist resort destination property is gradually beginning to receive attention;
14. Lifestyle: China The cities have from the modern, post-modern city of the industrial age, the state of progress of post-industrial era, people's lifestyle demands of living is undergoing fundamental change. With the progress of cultural life, people have settlements a higher demand, the new settlements pay more attention to the theme of living culture, for example --- health, self-cultivation, sports, arts and recreation and more. Chinese people each year nearly normal holiday and business calendar days annual leave about 20%, many families on the the money must first home buyers, this culture is difficult to change in the short term. According to the survey, urban residents in China the proportion of income spent on buying up to 30%. In the past, the traditional the world under one roof distance. well, most people are not accustomed to renting, which makes the rental rate of the Chinese people in the world appears to be quite low. qualified people to prefer to buy a house not to rent, this is a difficult to change cultural practices;
16. Business development: analysis of the Italian agency that 2004 was the equivalent of China's retail industry in Italy, and from five years later (2009), the annual growth rate in China's retail sector will be equal to one Italy. With the rapid progress in the purchasing power of the people, rural and urban China in the future there will be a huge commercial development, and commercial development will bring new life and development opportunities;
17. local development: local-based national development development, local development is one of the most important driving force of land use and land value of the cascade realization. At present, local financial revenue in the proportion of land revenue as high as 50%, can be described as the has sufficient political power;
18. Urbanization: Thirty years ago, China's urban population of just 172 million, now stands at 577 million. Currently, China's urbanization rate of about 45% of the population, while the medium-developed countries an average of 61%, high-income countries the average is 78%. South American country of Brazil is a developing country, the city has reached 86% rate. China is still much room for urban development. population urbanization rate increased by 1%, it means the new urban population of about 1,300 million, adding approximately 325 million square meters of housing demand;
19. City Progression: cities above the county level up to nearly three thousand. With the development of cities on a inevitably occur the rising cost of business, various types of cities will was The transformation of the old city has never stopped. In addition to building the necessary protection, the large number of the old city should be modified, can also be modified to be transformed. outskirts of many cities are also in full swing in villages for reconstruction, which will help the transformation of the rural economy and efficient use of land;
21. land supply: historical and geographical factors in China's densely populated. can be used for urban construction land is strictly controlled. The more intense the supply of land, people housing requirements are often more intense. ecological restoration sites, land for agricultural structure adjustment, disaster, and special land use, land. China's coastline is very long, relatively developed eastern regions, under a reasonable plan, take full advantage of offshore resources, land reclamation, the development of a good way to live ;
22. attitudes, expectations of a large drop in house prices does not mean change;
24. International differences: an important coastal city in eastern China, especially Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other international city prices, and the Asia Pacific region with the type of cities (such as Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore, etc.) than price, there are still several times the gap. In addition, China's real estate construction industry share of GDP, with just over 10% of GDP in developed countries, the proportion of real estate in the for a long period of time more than 20%;
25. foreign hot money: RMB appreciation is expected to make a lot of hot money overseas home buyers want to get through the territory of special benefits. According to statistics, the influx of hot money in the first quarter of $ 85,100,000,000, the highest value in history;
26. to pay, this may involve tens of thousands of millions of dollars in capital structure in the property market has become an important factor;
27. Economic Security: As the real estate at the national and local economic role of the pillars of the role of governments at all levels and do not want to house prices and sales of ups and downs, this is a potential serious threat to national economic security issues. an already over 80% of people have their own state property, caused by falling home prices will not agree with the people of state;
28. social stability: As the real estate industry and its market economy and people's lives in a very special status, the healthy development of real estate combined effects of the country's huge. Stability is the first one, the industry control policies should be adapted to local conditions and has a floor;
29. policy change: the current real estate policy in the remaining contents of some unreasonable, some of the policy is only temporary. With the advancement and improvement of future policies, Real estate will be more rational development;
30. return to reason: After a series of policy measures in recent years, the harsh strict action, the real estate business development activities and the market behavior of the people has been gradually rationalized, it would will effectively influence the future growth of industry rationalization;
31. the housing industry: the Ministry of Construction has been pushing the greatly improve and accelerate the construction of various types of housing;
32. large enterprises into the line: As in the market, raw materials, technology and many other factors, the industry is becoming more competitive. In contrast, real estate has been a profit margin The industry is relatively high, and many large enterprises are concerned about the conditions and have entered the industry;
33. plant relocation: the reform and opening up, many Chinese cities the rapid development of suburban industrial park, and now these parks tend to have become the enlarged part of the urban area, industrial area of outward displacement of the replacement land area out of a huge housing construction;
34. out of the country: an institutional analysis of Germany, said today's global construction volume in an annual increase of nearly 40% in China. the current level of development of China real estate industry in the world has Poxian advantage. Chinese developers will have to go abroad to develop a lot of opportunities, and local competitors in general were weak.
35. agricultural in the field in the policy adjustment has also been put on the agenda, policy changes homestead in rural and suburban real estate will create land resources;
36. urban and rural integration: many places in China, become a new direction and mode of long-established rural villages are villages and small towns to the center of evolution. urban and rural type of development for commercial and residential buildings offers great opportunities;
37. traffic improvement: in the in recent years and future years, the Chinese urban and suburban rail rapid transit and rapid progress, which is the suburbanization of residence and provide an important long-range conditions;
38. technological progress: The Chinese construction industry technology progress very rapidly, which will build more rapidly gave birth to the real estate sector, life more comfortable and more economical timber living space;
39. Project Immigration: the Yangtze River Three Gorges Reservoir area similar to this mass migration in China is not the only one, major projects due to immigration will bring significant new opportunities for urban construction;
40. post-disaster reconstruction: China is so vast, it is inevitable by the geology and climate class disaster disaster hit, post-disaster reconstruction is rebuilding from the previous simple Type starting point to the unified planning and direction.
the future of China real estate industry there is huge room for development, which includes political, economic, cultural, and market a wide range of positive support, and other factors. To solve the current problems the real estate industry should not be restricted to this industry as well as repressed, but need to be well through proper grooming policy, China's economy and people's lives is really looking forward to a healthy development of China real estate market.

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