Monday, December 27, 2010

Save the property market is the drug

 Save the property market is to save the property market is drug abuse
. But had also never bored. Why?
Wang Yukun / text
According to reports, at present, has been in Shanghai, Nanjing, Suqian, Changsha, Xi'an, Hangzhou and other City launched the real estate bailout policies. In this regard, the PRC launched an investigation yesterday's real estate channel, display, select come out and say save the property market is China's high prices, significantly beyond the level of income can afford, is beyond the scope of China's national strength can support. If a country's wealth concentration in real estate, this country is dangerous. because it unequivocally to disparage China's competitiveness. This is before us a simple trend. Unfortunately, that was dumb. a look at property prices are low, we must try to save the property market!
Vanke Real Estate Company is responsible. In This year, the property market bearish situation, Vanke took the lead in price 70-80%. This is a real estate company with social responsibility in action. In response to questions, the Vanke explained that real estate is still in the 20% gross margin above. We have also seen price increases of the Pan Shiyi against the wind, indeed, drop the price, while its gross profit margin remained at 61% or more. Now the so-called low prices, real estate developers still can make money. Therefore, the Chinese property market problem, not falling house prices, but the abnormally high prices. In Gregory the temptation, in the 5% gross margin on a large number of struggling manufacturing firms, have switched to real estate has. Even the manufacturing sector and the brand Haier Lenovo, which also began its real estate layout.
save the property market is taking drugs. but had also never bored!
can not imagine people who do not do drugs, drug users to get instant excitement while intoxicated among the reasons. the same , the general protection of property prices can not see all the people the truth, China's resource conditions and global competitiveness, the Chinese people can not tolerate that kind of extravagance to the Americans. our last in the resource-poor big country, in order to create something in business , in order to maintain a low-cost competitive advantage, only to the same resource-poor Japan, South Korea in line. But then, some politicians, set the expense of this simple situation, the property prices have just dropped into a situation when not to hurry Busy out to save the property market! those accustomed to darkness Chencang out at large players in the instant excitement in between, to fill their own pockets.
I had the last two years has been to concentrate on the issue of management of manufacturing enterprises do not want multiple views in real estate. but to see a thousand arrows shot every day to save the property market trend, yesterday I took three years ago, an old article written sent to the blog. Results hits record high overnight. Netease nearly 5 million hits, effectively more than 600 comments. Most comments with me as opposed to the people.
hot friends flat, Hangzhou
the so-called one, being a large bar.
back 1 minute ago
Netease Friends 118
Jiaxing, Zhejiang Bo
the government's economic direction completely the wrong direction, and if this continues, completely lost the trust of the people sooner or later things.
back 5 minutes ago
Netease Friends 23
Sanmenxia Bo
save the housing market is to save corruption, the Chinese economy into a tailspin!
Friends 114
Netease blog Sichuan < br> sharply, eventually someone will pay for the madness, people always hurt.
reply 10 minutes ago
Netease Friends 37
Ningbo Bo
China is to avoid the crisis caused by the property, insured is a must, but the price needs to digest this a few years, I think the price is within the next decade could not have gone up. to get rid of speculative demand, reflecting the real needs and reduce the huge waste of social resources, hope that China to focus more on technological innovation, enhance the comprehensive national strength, a truly powerful nation, but not a big country.
back a quarter of an hour before the Friends of 122

NetEase Hangzhou Bo
from the National Overall, house prices and living standards of most of the residents is inconsistent with the majority of Chinese people also were house slaves forever!
back a quarter of an hour before the
so right, I threats I think not, but the government's admonition.
bailout is to save some of those profiteers and corrupt officials of jobs for the stock market fall 1,426 points it, under the new understanding of China's stock market and funding agencies!
Reply 1 quarter of an hour before the
04 年 many people buy a house in that 2 years is a SB, is now saying. I think we should, as LZ in Japan by the United States used for comparison, not buy Do not spend all day staring at the house since the look, anyway, can not afford. learn foreign person, do not buy to buy the urban suburbs, the suburbs can not afford to rent homes. landlord and the price too expensive, and not to engage in Chongqing, the second welfare housing, do not understand what is intended. cheap and give the people can not? If too low, you can buy expensive ah. Our whole family are iron and steel enterprises workers, wages are is very low, and now all crowded into the house more than 40 square meters, or distribution of my father's house 86 years. We are poor, nor is it thought to buy a house, but the reality is that can not afford, even if the drop can not afford the price was more . such as the price dropped to 600 / square meter, according to the wages of a few months ago, I can buy two rooms, but if the wages according to the present, it can only burst swearing: buy a hammer to buy. Why, because TMD shop discontinued, took only 400 a month living expenses. Cao !!!!!!!!< br> back a quarter of an hour before the Friends of 66

NetEase, Guangzhou Bo
this is to let people did not have to live, and resolutely oppose a bailout, because it is the interests of maintaining a small part of the group, No! against!! longer oppose!!!
Netease blog friends 6
say the merchant's recklessness people The rash is very stupid. In fact, people already in the economic crisis, but the Government is not aware of it. For people to buy far beyond the scope of high prices, home buyers who are no longer in need of housing, but real estate people When the house slaves of the people is not the pursuit of enjoyment of life ahead, but the needs of their own homes. National Housing demand is rigid, but rigid high prices forced this fault, the Government has not made such a deviation corrected, leading to years from 2006 -2008 and soaring house prices increase the economic crisis, our government officials and businessmen are still unaware, still down in his eyes closed to enjoy the great interests of the people's sweat and blood. the economic crisis broke out, But the chief culprit in the economic crisis is still a high-sounding talk about the reasons for the economic crisis, the harm of this crisis forcing people who head! Hu Jintao proposes to adhere to the scientific development concept, what is the scientific concept of development? purpose of the scientific development concept What? scientific development concept is a scientific and feasible means of political, economic and other countries on the human elements of the regulation, making the state elements to adequate and sustainable momentum. Our nation is facing a financial crisis is not a simple , but a trade imbalance between and within the industry's deep-seated structural crisis, if you can not make a reasonable, in line with the decision-making in the laws of economic development, China will face more serious test!
back a quarter of an hourTwenty years before they even pay off the house. As for my kind of people who have no family background, relying on meager wages, only waiting waiting! I'm confused, I do own their own homes when it is it? Reply 1 quarter of an hour before the

mountain in front of the U.S. financial crisis. the name of some local governments to jointly deal with the guise of the international financial crisis, anxious to pattern, br> Friends 8
Netease blog Xinyu
to maintain high prices is to protect the high real estate bubble, will have more serious consequences, is the step followed the U.S. financial crisis.
115 friends Netease blog < br> Ziyang
support the landlord! of loud noise but not such a good person to face it?
Netease Bo Shandong Dezhou
Friends 188
high real estate prices in China is actually a policy of local protectionism external performance, performance of each government want to make the money come from, land is an important income. so the government just as consistent with the interests of property developers.
reply 1 hour ago
rescue but also the people Friends pay
Netease blog Fuyang, Anhui
1. rescue funds come from? A: Yes, the Government has charged excessive land transfer.
2. excessive land transfer Where you from? A: rising prices.
3. rising prices come from? A: The government and developers to bid up each other, a high price to sell one to sell 高价房.
4 . rescue funds actually come from? A: The people's money.
5. the ultimate goal is to rescue the market? A: The Government want to return to the former pattern, he was selling at high prices, the developers sell 高价房. < br> Finally, rising prices are a hundred of the old pay.
6. The local government why the bailout? A: 1. .2 fishing achievements of economic growth sell at high prices of land, money, how they want to spend on the how to spend. Most of the officials may not grand corruption, but Chihepiaodu reimbursement of public funds, incidentally the rub points the rest of the oil can always be a small part of it .3 collusion between officials, for personal gain.
Finally, I ask Click to save the municipal government kept for economic growth? 高价房. people can not afford housing, and performance. economic growth useful to you?
keeps the people first and government for the people. all deceitful tricks.
Central Government will acquiesce matter? A: do not know. but a responsible, long-term vision of the ruling politicians will listen to the voice of the people, to make the right choice: stop the gang rescue the local Hunguan behavior consistent with the majority of the people in accordance with the interests of the market economy.

reply back 10 minutes ago 1 hour ago
Netease Friends 42
Kunming, Yunnan Bo
support! the save is not saved, they should not rush to save the And on. is to maintain market? or maintenance of a handful of people or the interests of certain groups? the world in mind for themselves. why the common name of the guise of dealing with the international financial crisis, to deceive the public, often give rise to self-denial too. so bent, eventually only will end up deserted, the people rebellious to!!!
reply 1 hour ago
Netease blog
Friends 20
Chongqing Municipal Government must not save! government to save the city is that people's hard-earned money and taxes money to support real estate developers in the profits! the end, people pay!! firmly opposed to such acts of local self-interest!
said the great support.
back 1.5 hours ago
I support!
government officials do not know how to think, most people just starting to see the house want to live, but also so frustrating.
the interests of government officials by the loss of it!
back 1.5 hours ago
Friends 130
Netease blog boom Jiuzheng Jiangmen
long decline that can not stand. zf interests of the people you consider it? This will harmony? Famous last tmd believe. Do not wait too irreconcilable grievances when people are changing.
back 1.5 hours ago
Huang Laoxie
well written! support local governments in
These are lard Mongolia heart, represents the interests of a small Han
back 1.5 hours ago
Friends 187
NetEase Hangzhou Bo
should be re-picked up grain, cotton, cloth, as in this era, the economic development stage, is, and must be public goods.
the one hand, a large number of vacant housing rests in the hands of a few rich, while ordinary people ridiculously high prices in the face of often inaccessible, our country is how?
reply 2 hours ago
real house prices collapse, and will lead to what the consequences, the author does not take into account ? 2008-2009, assuming that no new housing starts, what happens in China? Government does not take measures, Oh is not cheap not cheap prices can be a problem, you can ensure that after the Plaza Accord in Japan than to suffer ten times! Reply 2 hours ago

Netease blog
Friends 214
rescue of Enshi is an act of corruption, does not consider the market too much foam.
reply 2 hours ago
Netease Friends 67
Chengdu Bo
silent, I really do not know what the Government to save the property market, in whom rescue? do not know who the government represents the interests of? U.S. subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the economic crisis in smoke signals front four, the Chinese government in power, do not consider how lessons learned, but the Chinese economy to the fire pit inner tube!
reply 3 hours ago
save the property market is actually harm than good. encouraged speculation. the property market Although you can temporarily prospered, the bank-year-old can be temporarily beneficial. but people only tickets will be completely drained. China can rely on through the many crises? by the people's pocket money (deposits). tell the truth, this 4 years, the property is not mentioned by the so-called experts, how much, in this city (Henan Pingdingshan), House gone up at least 3 equipment, but our wages? asked the Government's blessing, floating time only 100 points. the so-called wage reform, our public servants have already fulfilled almost two years. But our teachers have yet to materialize. I really envy public servant, ah, a car ride, a gray income, as well as high wages. Reply 1 quarter of an hour before the

rescue doomed not expect the clouds

people have home cover up their pocketbook, which won the city can save you?
reply 1 hour ago
unyielding Long Zhaohuai
well written, I was engaged in the construction industry, the Chinese economy unreasonable too much, I feel that China now has as many people like a wolf, there is no faith at all Chinese people to pursue their wealth than foreigners not bad, no matter what should pay attention to science, for the countries, what is more stable than the lives of people important? it to wanted to run away also unstable, although the Chinese room When real estate is not the slogan of the Great Leap Forward, the momentum that can not bad! very little pumping out steel look ah! time is a bunch of 3-year famine, starvation, and now this will do? up ah rose, rose each people can afford, rose to close down all banks, savings rose to soaring prices have become all the air, rose to countries close down!
reply 1 hour ago
Friends 75
Netease blog Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
Yes, the U.S. government needs to save what it costs, but we can rescue provincial policy came out, only the governor, the mayor's words only!
bailout? let them save it! strange child! no chaos, how can Dodge!
reply 2 hours ago
Netease blog Hengyang
Friends 200
a mayor in a place to stay only for 10 years,
a Secretary, term of up to stay in one place,
you expect them to do for you.
reply 2 hours ago
Netease Bo Harbin
Friends 253
finally defeated the people of the capital.
Reply 3 hours ago
need far-sighted government
very clear, very transparent! house is a special commodity, in the final analysis is the future of fixed assets, can not produce wealth. National most of the money is not worth investing in real estate, and other high-tech construction, have less to invest. So high real estate development is also high in other areas to stop or slow the development of exchange, and not worth ah.
back 2 hours ago
had the foresight of, but only on the disembowelling of urban construction, the author apparently did not understand one of the transmission of the disease. planners, policy makers know what is right, is good , but one thing, forgetting that these people are of a system.
did they not stupid, is just as pedantic of scholars like to think they do not have vision. the root cause of corruption: a break of a building, how much money into the the individual's pockets?!
write well, thank you on behalf of the Government reply 2 hours ago

Netease blog Tonghua
Friends 98
Merry Journey:
before May of this year , our resident consumer price index (CPI) rose as high as 8.1%. the causes of the current round of inflation, rising prices and governance approaches, all mixed. State Department counselor Ren Yuling, the conscientious expert, gave away the mystery: it second main reason of inflation in the country, the main contradiction is still real estate. Real estate is large in scale, scope, involve more than the industry. In the case of real estate prices rising rapidly, housing has become social investment products. the last three years , Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other places, people to invest in the purchase, often two to three years to achieve income doubled. This is not only a large number of domestic investment to attract buyers, it also attracts a large number of foreign The real estate group, Shanxi is invested in real estate on up to a man bought three. Therefore, the real estate inflation, high inflation is the total root cause of this, it can be said that the inflation of the ; booster large amount of money ; endanger China's macro-economic security, leading to the risk of the Chinese banking system. These are the vested interests, no surprise.'s most surprising is that in this more open, more inclusive civil society, in addition to real estate agency fed hack writer and heavily driven by experts who published lies, the public and policy makers can What else hear the sound?
support your back 2.5 hours ago

Bo Netease Friends 66
our national housing policy has fallen into a !!!! very difficult to save and not save!!! save, it seems that ? how many have been hoarding the land? how much is open to operators of its own funds? how much comes from bank loans ?...... Among these, only the developer's If the number of repeat itself is a huge !!!!!!!! long time does not flow together, the loss figure is several times now!!! this Failed!!! In fact, the state can be large, the leading type of housing prices for Friends of Bo hours ago
NetEase Beijing
230 146
great at writing! sharply that broke the hypocrisy of the so-called bailout, regardless of the interests of the majority of people, try to ensure that developers and local government revenue .
back 2.5 hours ago
Friends 26
Netease Qingdao, Shandong Bo
years I did not finish the article, but I hold your opinion, if the Government does not intent to falling house prices or in violation of market fundamentals principle, then the future is the people suffering, there can not live like the United States, the government should really step down, the Chinese are really two very strange, house prices can not fall, prices can not rise, so you will like the Soviet Union, when that issue, too late, and anyone would be conceding that the country would collapse ..
reply 3 hours ago
Netease Friends 181
Wuhan Bo < br> when up to save the people have not heard???? banking, real estate people are making hard-earned money, and some people life is to hard house. Now comes the financial crisis, the bank has put the risk of money head turn to the people, the world is always bitter people. If the lower house, we have more than one billion people, there are so many consumers, so that most reasonable people can buy a house, real estate, banks are afraid no money to do?
Netease blog
Friends 179
Shenzhen officials and businessmen are colluding together since ancient times, whether socialist or capitalist, politicians always have to maintain certain interest groups, real estate As a developer does not bear on the gas money to the altar, and secondly, the politicians had previously took too much for developers the sake of black money.
reply 3 hours ago
Netease Friends 7
Shangrao Bo Lake Crescent
me to work 9 years (plus school-age, length of service of 13 years), Fu Keji administrative cadres, pay 930 yuan, 826 yuan real too. Our house price here is a small town of about 1600 per square meter. By contrast, I really can not afford a house, a family of three I have no fixed abode, I have a lot of pressure!!!
Originally, I was a good man, I want to serve the people, but I no solution to the survival of their own, I could not sleep, I have thought for everyone that dedication?
I do not know what to express outrage! I even want to take revenge on society's approach to lead to decision-makers attention!
I do not know what to express outrage! I even want to take revenge on society's approach to lead to decision-makers attention!
I do not know what to express outrage! I even want to take revenge on society's approach to cause decision-makers attention!
reply 3 hours ago
Netease blog
Friends 228
Netease blog friends, Foshan, Guangdong 98 (Chengdu):
save the property market, saving the stock market, are in the manufacturing false prosperity. stock market, the cash dividend of 5%, natural people are investing in the property market and the demand if people buy a natural match. Although I also have four suites
Chinese are too greedy, if there is no limit, you might buy a thousand a house ..... and the same ignorance of the ignorant people of the State ...... how China does not become a sick man of Asia !!!!!< br> Friends 44
Netease Bo strongly Karamay
support the introduction of the government officials to save the housing market in order to save themselves, for their own interests. increase in domestic demand is difficult to only use the vacant housing it? corrupt construction industry officials !!!!< br> back 3 hours ago
Netease Bo Friends of the 239
economic crisis in China, Shenzhen, Guangdong
before the financial crisis in the United States took place, the stock market decline is nearly three times the decline in the United States, first half of the 70,000 business failures, this is the true performance of the economic crisis, but China's financial system, no special bank insolvency, but if the housing bubble is not crowded, the future is difficult to escape the financial crisis in China! Wang is right, the government should not save the property market, but one thing Mr. Wang did not say the government should first save the entity economy, first save the industrial enterprises. the United States and China, both in the form of government or economic system is different, we can not follow the U.S. in the old back door, we see his rescue to save the market to see what to save and what not to save!
that the thorough and comprehensive, the Chinese almost unrealistic xenophilia it! Alas!
reply 3 hours ago
household a suite is a must. money to buy gold to invest in industry. Over time the rich manpower N suites, money can only be on the streets. Although an average, a room. economic growth, it only can bring the real estate industry? high economic output and then only in the hands of a few people that what's the use ah
reply 3 hours ago
not previously considered a very serious problem of the house, but now, after graduating from university a year or two, this issue has become very real. In fact, according to my ideas, it is now do not buy a house, because the house is really worth that much money, I believe prices will one day return to normal! However, when we began to see in this society that we even the most basic right of residence are not, when developers and local governments to become vested interests, we have to think about the house, this can be crushed to death of people of the mountain, not down to you forever!
reply 3 hours ago
Netease Bo 10 friends
do not care about life and death of people, only concerned about how to seize the opportunity to become the so-called power. This is the response of national evil, Siyaomianzi.
the world financial crisis, global GDP growth is bound to setback, the Chinese government to maintain a high GDP growth, at save the property market, to maintain high prices, fueling a bubble economy. very serious consequences.
into the world economy what? international status speak louder point what? Should we have to let people into an abyss of misery?
reply 3 hours ago
Netease Friends 197
Dongguan Bo
There is no doubt that quite contrary to the market and save the city officials is absolutely corrupt! They are not representative of the interests of ordinary people, but the interests of developers, it is obvious collusion! discipline inspection departments do not check if the party is too I'm sorry, I'm sorry the masses!
reply 3 hours ago
BOBO < br> you force yourself to believe that the government is representing the fundamental interests of the masses, is the representative of advanced productive forces.
reply 3 hours ago
Netease blog Why the Friends of 156
high price of Zhejiang
When people can not afford a house when people do not save, when people want to see lower prices when the rescue with the hope that city, country! country! China!
reply 3 hours ago
Netease blog friends 91
see from the government to rescue the housing market to see that many local governments now have three representatives from the junior high school, what is the people's government, the people's government should be to the benefit of most people's government, however, Now how many people who can not afford housing, the Government has backed bailout for the group open the interests of a few capitalists services. This government has gone to the opposite of most people go up ..... people do not welcome .....< br> back 6 hours ago
NetEase Bo Shenzhen Friends 4
Friends 81
Netease Bo (Shanghai):
NetEase 250 friends Bo (Qingdao):
to Hangzhou and Nanjing Central Discipline Inspection Commission Government stagnation it!
now online buy a lot of people jealous of other people improve their lives, as if someone is a crime to buy a house, is outrageous. In fact, after all, is not capable of their own, can not afford housing, they are most no better of a penny to live in the city center, such as the purpose that they reached. so they want the housing market crash, financial crisis .... want to tell you the country's economic collapse, and now more money to the poor, more residue. Some people on the network, even if the room fell to 100 million 20 million, and they can not afford. Really, I despise you. really ........< br> Do you think you're rich it? Even if you're rich, so what? with Li Ka-shing, other than Wang Yung-ching? Now the problem is not buying a house, but China collusion, set the overall expense of the Chinese economy. If the Chinese economy as the United States That way, you can survive natural disasters is it? To be honest, it is real estate, so that China's economic situation is very critical!! real estate kill the Chinese economy!! he raised the prices, while allowing many people to become slaves, not for other consumption. So, the people and who can not afford housing, they can not spend to stimulate domestic demand. and now exports and the situation is not good. Therefore, we must allow prices to drop further in order to save the Chinese economy as a whole. Therefore, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi'an, the local government, for their own interests, and reversing of history, save the housing market, history will punish them!! punish the corrupt officials, the criminal in history!!
back a quarter of an hour before the
Sina User
This article is a real sense of crisis and conscience of the advice issued by the Chinese government not to listen to, and now Hangzhou and other local governments against central control policies and dynamic, is to reverse the development situation of China's great foolish behavior, must be resolutely stopped, the central is not acquiescence, if the local government's Irreducible frog !!!!< br> (2008-10-16 09:51:09)
Sina User
key developers and government interests in the association who have a high land prices are high Most of the local government maintain fiscal spending by selling land. for the construction of low-cost low-income housing, the economy like housing that is made. Now the economic downturn, the high prices will have catastrophic consequences for the overall economy. stimulating domestic demand is a final talk. so that prices return to the rational, pain while the overall economy will enter a virtuous path. or social contradictions will become more prominent, the economy will enter the United States has followed the subprime mortgage crisis.
(2008-10-16 10:01: 53)
Sina User
This time of rescue does not work, so many years, people also see to understand,
now officials have no virtue, nor wisdom, only colluded with businessmen to protect their interests of criminal intent,
Finally the sound development of the whole country to destroy the good form, they earned A full pot,
hurt the Chinese people, ask if the Government really elected by the people,
by the people to monitor, there will be such a thing up?
(2008-10-16 10:56:04)
Sina User
only real people standing on the side of the majority of people will see the correct direction of development of the situation clear before we dare to propose the most beneficial to the interests of the masses the correct point of view, can really break a few interest groups and government interests yoke! decline in house prices is a good thing, is a rational regression, is a bubble and the crisis gradually digestive process, is to avoid the most natural disaster reflects the most reasonable, why is there so some people especially the so-called leadership of this government hate to death, scared to death too! !!
(2008-10-16 11:43:49)
Bloggers replies:
Sina User
this article should be published in the newspapers, all the people talk about, and now that the crisis in China consciousness are not everywhere the joy of spring, do not have a par with the U.S. and other Western countries, especially the consumer, we have 1.3 billion people, long way to go, can not engage in a market economy under the alternative Price can not be jumped, at least ten years, should fall. Although the financial crisis, Americans now, the U.S. underground oil, coal is nothing to dig, and how much of our country, our economic development, how much the cost of ! need to think ah! China!
(2008-10-16 13:38:24)
also have different views
find this on my Mile
Yes Yes but ...

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